Chapter 36

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Since Hisoka was the one that initiated the kiss, you let him be the one to pull away. With a thin line of each other's saliva breaking as he spaced back from your lips, Hisoka and you bored into each other's mesmerizing eyes, panting lightly trying to catch a breath from the breathless and deep kiss he indulged you with.

"O-oh.." Your voice quietly died off, a bit taken aback from this kiss.

"W-what was that f-for? I wasn't t-trembling. " Drowning underneath your blush, you unawarely licked your lips - savoring Hisoka's sweetness.

'Good..' A sense of relief and satisfaction washed over Hisoka when he saw that doubt, regret and sadness utterly none existent in your beautiful eyes.

"We had sex. I think I can kiss you whenever I want too ~ Not fair if you the only one allowed to kiss me when you please." Smirking, Hisoka leaned back into his seat and pressed down on the accelerator to get going again as he partially lied about why he did what he did.

Your face redden even more upon hearing Hisoka say they had sex out aloud so bluntly and casually. Indeed you partook in something so sinful, but you still felt shy and innocent about the matter. Clearing your throat softly, you looked away out of embarrassment.

"Y-yeah you right, s-sorry." You meekly replied. Not daring to question him again.

As time aged like fine wine, Hisoka glanced over to his side and saw you had fallen comfortably asleep, having the side of your head pressed against the iced up window. Hisoka was just glad you were sleeping. The more you slept the easier it was for your body to detox. Hisoka really liked the fact that it was only if he was near you or if his scent lingered could you sleep. It was delightful to know that you needed Hisoka somehow despite how independent you are and that he, not even Itachi was the one that could put you into a peaceful sleep. Indeed Hisoka could protect anyone if he wished too because of how dangerous and powerful he was, but it was more satisfying to know that Hisoka could protect you from the things that hurt you on the inside.

Noticing your beautifully bruised arms and legs covered in tiny goosebumps as he drove passed each street light, Hisoka assumed you were feeling cold - which was a good sign in comparison to your constant rising body temperature earlier on. Trying not to stare at your body he loved looking at since it only wore his shirt, Hisoka turned the air conditioner on to warm and switched the radio off, being uncharacteristically and surprisingly sensitive to your needs.

Finally reaching his place, Hisoka switched off his smooth engine and peered over to you once again. He lightly smiled knowing he had to carry you in just like before, almost feeling this was going to turn becoming a habit. Not that he minded, you were light and fit perfectly in his arms, to be quite honest, Hisoka secretly liked lifting your body, yet alone just having general control of your body in his strong hands. Although it wasn't necessary to lift you and slam you against the wall, ruining your insides with his beast of a manhood and ravish your upper body with his mouth, nonetheless it was still something. Innocent but satisfying to do.

Slouching your bag trap over his one shoulder, Hisoka walked over to your side of the car and scooped you up bridal style, causing you to get up. Not because he wasn't gentle, he was extremely gentle with you, you just weren't in that much of a deep sleep.

"U-uhuh it's okay I'll walk." You murmured in a sleepy voice.

Ignoring your statement, Hisoka merely just turned around to head into his mansion.

"H-hisoka." You weakly called out, trying to squirm out of his embrace but in response he tightened his arms around you, making it impossible to get out of him.

"Oh stop resisting, you are already in my arms. Just wait. " Hisoka instructed.


"We both know you in no position to walk." You were interrupted by Hisoka passing that comment with a comical undertone - smirking transitioning into a cocky low grin.

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