Chapter 6

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With several sighs and frustrated groans going on for at least 15 minutes, you finally knew how to tackle this problem.

"Damn that was hard, but okay look here." You motioned Uta to look down at the paper.

"So first you need to know what you need and it's purpose it's going to play. Nitroglycerin is obviously the explosive ingredient,but because you want it focused on something specific instead of exploding everywhere. You need to soak the nitroglycerin in Ammonium chlorate to stabilize it. But you also need to work out the volume and time you going to leave the nitroglycerin to soak because if you leave it in for too long it'll fizz out and become useless. "

" But we do that last because we have work out the steel's density in order to know how much nitroglycerin its going to need in the first place."

" We have the mass which we convert to grams and the molar mass of steel which is around 55g/Mol, what we need is the mole. So we do that standard calculation. Getting the answer of 4000mols."

" In the balanced equation, the ratio of steel to nitroglycerin is 2 : 5 so you just need to cross multiple and divide it to get the left hand side ratio 1. Now you have how many moles of nitroglycerin you need. From there you do the same with Ammonium chlorate. Once you get the mols of that you convert it to volume by using the NCV equation."

"You get it so far?" You took a break from explaining to check on Uta before continuing.

"Yeah carry on." It was obvious that he was really focusing because he had put the bottle down after all this time and leaned in closer to you - not wanting to miss a single explanation. Not letting yourself get distracted by his breathing you could feel hit against your neck you looked back at the paper and continued.

"For the corrosive part, you are going to need a strong ass acid like fluoroantimonic acid."

"Fluoroantimonic acid?"

"Uh yeah it's like a combination of hydrofluoric acid and antimony pentafluori. You'll need a really powerful corrosive acid if you want it to eat away such thick steel."

Nodding his head subtly, you took it as a sign to continue.

"So since fluoroantimonic acid needs to react with the nitroglycerin, you going to take the mols from the nitro and use the ratio method to get the mols for the acid. Since you can't work with mols of nitroglycerin, you convert that back to mass using the same mNM formula. "

" That all is fine.. it's just what is going to be difficult for me is the reaction time needed for the soaking of nitroglycerin in Ammonium chlorate."

" That's more on the physics side of things, so I need a bit more time. Is that okay? "You nervously asked whilst scratching the back of your head, a bit embarrassed you couldn't work it out right now.

" How much time you need? "

" Mm, just a few hours. It'll bug me the whole day now because I couldn't figure it out right now so my mind will keep thinking about this until I figure it out."

As the seconds ticked by you grew more fidgety because Uta just seemed to stare at you with deadly silence.

" W-what's wrong?" Cracking under his gaze, you looked down to your lap.

" Nothing. It's just interesting getting a glimpse of one of the best minds in the grade."

Smiling gracefully at his compliment, you slouched down in relief that he wasn't going to do something crazy for needing more time.

"And a few hours is fine. Although I do need another favor."


"Can you show me how to do it. Not on this scale. A very small amount. I just want to see how you methodically do it."

Battering your eyelashes in astonishment, you mentally tried to figure out whether that was okay to do.


Although you knew it was dangerous, the nerd side of you actually wanted to do it. Especially now that you were on your high horse after cracking a difficult problem, the crave for tackling another challenge was eating at your fingertips.

"I don't have that kind of substances though."

"The school does. In the labs. We can go there after school."

"Hm, it's going to have to be later than that because a lot of students have sport practice and a few teachers stay behind for a bit to mark."

Sighing thoughtfully, Uta took ahold of his bottle again and started to sip at it. "Can you do 8 pm?"

"Y-yeah that should be okay."

Before you could continue talking, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. It was from Itachi.

'Why are you avoiding me y/n? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong? Please let me know what's going on.. I'm worried about you y/n. It's not like you to ditch class and blow off Yami or anything to do with Yale and Oxford.'

Reading Itachi's message with a guilty and heavy heart, you turned around to look into the classroom and saw Itachi staring at you. Looking away before Sakura noticed you went back into his message.

' I'll tell you what's going on later. But right now please don't make it difficult for me by trying to come to me or messaging a lot in the open...'

"Mm makes sense why you didn't sit by him today." Uta openly exposed himself to reading your messages.

"Yeah, but it was actually nice sitting by you. I'm not sure if you were using me to get this problem solved, but either way, you not bad company." Totally unphased that he was looking at your phone, you didn't move or switch your phone off but continued to type.

'How will I get ahold of you then? 😟'

" I wasn't using you. It just crossed my mind that you could help when I saw how quick you figured out that question."

'I'll come over to your place around 23h00ish?'

"Thank you for not using me I guess?"

'So late,will you be okay walking by yourself at night?'

'Trust me It has to be late. I really can't be seen and I will be okay, don't worry❤️'

'Okay.. See you then y/n. I'll make up an excuse to Yami about you not being able to come to reg again.

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