Chapter 56

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As stated, one month had passed and Hisoka was 95% back to his old self.

The constant back treatment, the exercising of the legs and all forms of simulation to the nerves, back and legs finally paid off. Just like you promised.

It wasn't easy, there were actually several times you and Hisoka fought. Well more Hisoka getting frustrated with you and the process. At first you did fight back, but overtime you kept quiet and learnt to understand how difficult this must be for him. Especially when the month seemed to pass ever so slowly. He told you to go away several times, but you refused.

You refused and kept helping him, for definite, both him and you knew if it wasn't for your stubbornness to leave him alone, Hisoka wouldn't be where he is right now.

For the final test and push, you wanted Hisoka to walk up the entire flight of stairs, right up, all the way to his room.

"You ready?" You asked, letting go of his arm to stand in front of him.

Looking at you and then down at the stairs was his silent way of saying yes.

Without holding the railing, Hisoka took his first step up.

With each slow step up, you went up one more step, ensuring you weren't too far if anything happened.

Your heart thumped louder and happier once you noticed that Hisoka started picking up the pace, walking up almost normally.

However suspecting a shot of pain, weakness or strain surge through his body, you immediately knew his body was going to reject this exercise.

True to your suspicion, Hisoka abruptly started to kneel down, however you cupped his one cheek and slid your other arm underneath his - lifting him back up before his legs gave up. Staring deep and determined into those golden eyes.

"No. You will never stumble or kneel ever again Hisoka. Stop and take a break if you must. Just don't ever fall again. You are a king, and kings stand tall." Spoken like a true supportive Queen that's aiding her King back to optimal health.

Hisoka held your intense gaze for a few good seconds before you slowly let go of him but kept your hands extended out in front of him.

Soaking in your words, Hisoka reluctantly held your hands firmly. Obvious to you that he was pulling whatever strength and balance he had left in him to do this.

As usual, Sabastian was watching this episode unfold in front of him.

The amount of trust Hisoka had in you was beyond his comprehension. Additionally the massive influencial power you had over Hisoka was something Sabastian has never seen happen in all his years with him.

No one and nothing could control Hisoka. He would only listen to himself and never took orders or advice from anyone. However that all changed when you came into his life. At first it wasn't truly evident, but he subtly did start to obey you and became much more calmer with you nearby. However now, the change stuck out like a sore thumb.

Unlike Hidan who wasn't expressively happy about this change in Hisoka, Sabastian was solely glad that his leader's body is almost hundred percent normal and truly found this whole story rather romantic.

The fact that neither of you openly acknowledged and realized what feelings lingered for each other made it more cuter and amusing to watch this story unfold.

The ruthless, merciless, insane, sex driven machine and a coldly heartless leader he knew had fallen to his knees metaphorically to you. Surrendering himself and his ways to you.

Sabastian wasn't dumb, he didn't know evidently what happened that entire week you and him spent time together, however he was absolutely sure that was the week Hisoka changed completely.

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