Chapter 5

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Walking to your first lesson which was double chemistry with your beloved teacher,you purposely walked slower to be a few minutes late. Why? Well you were just following Sakura and Ino's instruction to distance yourself from them and sitting next to one of them wasn't distancing. So by the time you reached class those seats next to Itachi should be taken by either girls or their other friends.

True to your theory, those seats were taken, not really looking their direction, you found an available seat in the second column by a gothic guy named Uta - another tattooed bad boy girls seemed to love.

Now thinking about it, the guys that made up the 'bad boy' squad of the school all had different negative traits. Hisoka was the player, Grimmjow was the one with anger issues, Hidan was the psychotic one, Sabastian had a superior godlike complex, but was a naughty gentleman, Uta was the dark one and Illumi was just.. Odd. But one thing they all had in common was they were all completely out of their minds or to put it rudely bat shit crazy, and despite being in a school with fairly good looking boys everywhere, the girls loved them more because of their bad persona and because they were older. Somehow all their personalities gelled together. Maybe it was because they had individual friends within the group they got along more. Like Hisoka, Hidan and Grimmjow would often been seen together more, which made sense because all 3 had an unhinged complex and were the 'friendlier' ones. Grimmjow and Hidan both had crazy anger issues and treated women like crap if they piss them off, and Illumi just seemed to fit perfectly in because he didn't mind their deranged minds. Unlike them, Sabastian and Uta seemed like the mature ones.

"Mind if I sit here?" You politely asked.

Giving you a curt nod, you smiled in appreciation and took out your books.
Half way through the lesson you propped your elbow upright on the desk and rested your temple against your fist - eyes slowly growing heavy.

'Mom please I can't do it!

'Please y/n, it'll make me happy. It's going to happen to me and all of us one day.'

'B-but what about Kai, how am I going to look after him?'

'You love your brother so much y/n, I know you will look after him well no matter what.'

'I'm sorry for making you do this y/n.'


'Mom please..'


'Help me please my first born.. Your mother needs you.'

'Okay I'll do it for you mom..'

'' Y/n! "

Snapping your eyes open feeling a bit disoriented, you saw the class staring at you and some chuckling.

" Y/n"

Regaining focus, you brought down your elbow and looked at the person calling your name - Mr Sukehiro. Feeling a bit flustered that he caught you sleeping for a while, you sat back up straight and neatened your hair.

"Y-yes Mr Sukehiro?"

"What's the answer?"

Trying to keep a poker face while panic gushed through your veins you looked down at the textbook questions unsure of which one he was talking about.

"Question 3.2." Uta discreetly whispered to you.

Immediately finding the question, you read over it several times to figure out the answer despite your embarrassed mental state.

"U-uh you'll need 40 grams of nitroglycerin." You nervously bit the side of your lip and looked up at your beloved.

Your heart sped up even more as the knots in your stomach grew tighter by each passing second Yami stared at you in silence. It didn't help your axienty that you could hear scattered laughter.

Each Other's End Game. (Hisoka X Reader🔞)|Modern|Anime CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now