Chapter 13

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Just like he suspected, by the time he reached back to the house you were already knocked out cold.

Walking up to your side of the car, Hisoka saw how you had his jacket tangled in your arms with half of your face buried in it as you slept on your side.

"Y/n." Hisoka called out your name lowly.

"We back." He spoke once again to try and get you to wake up. Instead you only buried your face deeper in his jacket and mumbled incoherently

"Leave me here." He heard you muffled those words.

Sighing amusingly at your behavior, Hisoka slipped his arms underneath you so he could carry you out bridal style. Checking to see your head was securely rested against his chest, Hisoka started to make his way up to the bedroom.

By the time Hisoka took off your heels, coat and already got you comfortable under the blanket, he finally realized that he had laid you to rest in his room. Looking back and forth between yours and his room, he couldn't understand how he could make such an unconscious and silly error. Deciding to pick you back up to take you to your own room, the second Hisoka slid his hand underneath your back, you effortlessly wrapped your other arm that held his jacket around his.

When trying to retreat his arm, you groaned and stirred in your sleep as resistance, only to tighten the hold.

Knowing if he continued to pull away, you would wake up and probably refuse to ever go back to sleep again, Hisoka let out another exasperated sigh before laying on the bed next to you in patience to get the opportunity to leave.

Based on the position of the sun rays beaming in one corner his room, the time was around after 11am. Hisoka figured that you would sleep for the whole day, if not a few days actually. God knows how much sleep you need for your body to recover from weeks worth of sleep deprivation.

Tenderly brushing your sliky hair away from your face, Hisoka analyzed your sleeping face. Despite the fact you seemed to be really engrossed in his jacket, your face looked angelic. Unable to resist not touching, he ghostly glided his index and middle finger over your face. From tracing your smooth forehead, he slid down to the bridge of your nose and branched off to the side to feel your cheeks. You weren't fat like Renji teases you to be, your cheeks were unbelievably soft and supple. The texture made him want to do several different things to it, ranging from always delicately caress it, playfully squeeze them, to wanting to bite them. Having to move away from your cheeks before he woke you up by doing something to them, Hisoka sensually grazed his fingers over your lips. Your oh so naturally pink lips that was seldomly ever covered in lipstick. They were so inviting.

Your lips was another thing his mind seemed to struggle to move past from. They were also so smooth and soft. So kissable.
Suddenly, Hisoka's eyes grew dark and possessive at the thought of who could of kissed your lips. Once again he grew irritated with himself for not understanding why he didn't seem to like the thought of another man touching your lips. Hisoka never cared for where or with whom other girls lips have been, but with yours - he wanted to know. He needed to know who had the privilege to have a girl like yourself in that way you were so guarded of, unless you have never had your first kiss before. For some underlying reason Hisoka hoped you didn't have your first kiss yet. Innocence like yours was rare to find nowdays. It was that innocence of yours that drove the bad boy side of Hisoka crazy.

Grimmjow was right, having a virgin live in his house was difficult. Especially when Hisoka is the man he is. Groaning in frustration from having to be so resistant and rejected by you, Hisoka took his fingers off your lips and closed his eyes to relax himself.

But instead of decreasing his frustration, it only grew because the focus made him realize that his arm you wrapped around with your own was pressed in between your breast valley. Once again another one of his friends were right - they too were also soft and squishy.

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