Chapter 15

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"Hey you okay? You look a bit different." You asked, not really sure why Hisoka looked at you as if you were someone else.

Letting his gaze linger on your lips for a moment, Hisoka internally sighed and looked away.

'What the hell just happened?' Hisoka stared at the counter blankly with his mind completely scattered into a million directions.


'Gosh that voice..'

"You still not happy with just the hug?"

'Where did all of that come from? Her hug.. That embrace. It just dissolved me. Teleported me into that illusion. Was it the future? A figment of my imagination? Or what my mind created when I buried my face against her neck and took in her scent?'

Feeling a pair of hands rest on his shoulders, a soft and wet sensation touched his cheek. Snapping out of his thoughts, he shifted his eyes to the side and saw the source of contact was your lips.

'It's just as soft as I thought it would be.'

Pulling away slowly, you looked into his dazed amber eyes with a shy blush tainting your cheeks. "Okay is this fine? That is fair treatment."

Coming back to his usual playful joker demeanour, Hisoka eyes turned mischievous and dark.

"No. I need a few more."

Blinking blankly at him and his demand, you wanted nothing more than to just slap him, but an image of him sulking unhappily flashed before your eyes. It was special treatment, you honestly hated it when the people around you weren't happy or satisfied with you. Yeah, you definitely were a sucker for pleasing people - to an extent.

Holding his shoulders a bit more firmly, you placed another kiss on his cheek, and another, and another. Attacking him with continuous light cheek kisses, you eventually started to smile and giggle because it was becoming silly.

Seeing that infamous smirk develop on his lips, you stopped attacking him with kisses and grinned like an idiot.

"H-hisoka I'm sure that's enough now! You look like you back to normal." You half-heartedly giggled in between your words.

"Mmm, I think one more will do it."

Huffing at him amusingly, you leaned back closer to his cheek and bit it playfully instead of kissing it.

"You are taking advantage now!" Flicking his forehead, you walked away from him and back to the stove.

Turning off the stove since the food was ready, your breath hitched when suddenly all the lights in the house went off.

"Hisoka?" You turned around to try and spot him in the pitch black darkness.

You saw him switch his phone off and assumingly stand up. After a few odd noises that came from his direction you suddenly heard the sounds of a gun being cocked back.

"Shit..." You nervously whispered.

"Stay here and stay down." You heard his voice echo throughout the darkness lowly.

With a thumping heart you slowly sat down on the cold titled floor with your back against the cupboard. You think fear would've built up in you when you destroyed Sabastian gun, but it never. Now, in a huge mansion surrounded by darkness , hearing someone prepare a gun to shoot - a bit of fear did settle in. These guys were insanely dangerous people and you are witnessing it first hand how they deal with 'matters.'

Apart of you always knew they dabbled out of the law, but this moment right now was surreal. Surreal but expected.
For some reason this whole situation and how Hisoka and his friends were didn't bother you as much as it should bother a person on the outside.

Each Other's End Game. (Hisoka X Reader🔞)|Modern|Anime CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now