Chapter 11

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Waking up around 6 am and walking past your room, Hisoka saw that the desk that you were studying at was clear and a switched off hair straightner laying on your bed. Assuming you were in this floors bathroom, Hisoka walked further down and saw it was empty too. The subtle scent of lavender lingered in the air. Seeing your towel neatly hung on the hook, a small closed make up bag pushed into the corner of the counter and a toothbrush next to his, Hisoka felt weird. Not annoyed about sharing his space or bothered that there were small traces of you in here, but just felt odd seeing someone else's stuff here.

The girls that would come and go from his house wouldn't really leave anything behind, if they did then it was either a scarf or a piece of jewelry Hisoka would mindlessly throw in the trash when they were gone. But now, there was subtle evidence that a girl dwelled in his residence. So it was strange for Hisoka to see something innocent like a towel or hair straightner laying around rather than a laid woman's left behinds.

Deciding to shower first before going downstairs, Hisoka saw the source of the lavender smell. Under the hot soothing shower, Hisoka picked up your purple shower gel that was once again neatly placed next to his on the rack and opened it to smell it.

Putting it back, his eyes trailed lower down the rack and saw your shampoo also placed next to his. He satisfyingly smirked at the fact you coordinated the different categories of products with his own - a move of someone that was cautious and considerate of another person's OCD if they had one. Hisoka didn't that type of OCD but he appreciated the fact you weren't unorganized. Smelling your shampoo, Hisoka evilly licked his lips.

"Fruity and Sweet~"

Mixed with another scent probably from your body spray or perfume, Hisoka recognized these scents from last night. Having you right up against and sitting on him, Hisoka could smell you ever so perfectly. Another reason why he didn't grow tired or annoyed with you sitting on him. Your scent wasn't cheap and bold. It was subtle, light and intoxicatingly easy on the nose.

Not pondering too much on his thoughts, Hisoka went about getting dressed and headed down to the kitchen because there was another subtle scent of food. Scanning over the kitchen, Hisoka saw a covered plate. Walking up to it there was a written note intop.

'I don't know if you eat breakfast, but if you do enjoy! And if you don't, well don't worry about it, just put the plate in the fridge and I'll eat it when I get back from school.'

Smiling at the gesture, Hisoka sat down and took the cover off to see an English breakfast prepared for him. Taking the knife and fork that was placed on a napkin he willingly started eating. Based off how warm it still was, he assumed you left around 5 minutes ago.

Not knowing how you prepared it, Hisoka noticed and tasted the lack to no oil in it. Your academic reputation of paying close attention to everything, even the smallest of details like him being on a strict diet too maintain his muscles. Once again Hisoka felt weird or odd about the sudden change of his routine. Never did he ever have a full breakfast before school, yet alone someone prepare it for him. It was always something light to eat on the way or nothing because he isn't the cooking type at all. Ordering take outs or buying pre-made foods was easier.

Enjoying the bursting of flavors that weren't overbearing at all, Hisoka ended up finishing everything on the plate before leaving for school.

The first lesson of the day was English. Hisoka saw you were seated in the front row near the teachers desk as usual. Since a movie was being played for today's lesson because the teacher was busy today, Hisoka saw that you wisely used this time to study so you didn't notice him walk in.

Not really paying attention to the movie nor the hushed chatter of his friends, Hisoka's eyes seemed to only be fixed on you. He saw the teacher call you to her desk and point up on something high up above the wall.
Seeing you walk to the teachers desk, Hisoka analyzed your black and gray attire. Your straightened hair had a classy steel gray aliceband with a cute bowtie on it tilted partially sideways that matched the thin flowy open gray coat you wore with black skinny jeans and closed gray high heels. The school y/n - always so classy, modest, girly and good.

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