Chapter 61

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'Hisoka can I talk to you later when you free? It's about Y/n.'


Later at a Cafe in the afternoon, the two men sat.

"Thank you meeting me Hisoka. I know this is sudden but I need a huge favor from you."

"Mm? What might this favour be? You do know favors must be repaid in my book of rules."

"Well unfortunately I probably won't have time to repay this favor to you."

"Oh? And why is that?"


"In a few weeks I'll probably be dead. The disease is shutting down everything quicker than it's supposed too."


"Does Y/n know?''

'' Of course not. I don't want her spending my last moments with me crying and stressing. She can't actually be any under stress anymore.."

"Why is that?"

"... You'll find out soon enough too. Anyways. The favour I ask of you is that may you please look after, protect and take Y/n in when I'm gone. You the only one that will make my death copable for her."


"Why me?"

"Because she loves you and she enjoys spending time with you. You the one person that will stop her grief from dragging her into the pits of depression until she kills herself.."



"I can't look after her for you. I'm sure she told you the type of life I live."

"She did. I understand it's a dangerous life style. But you and your gang haven't lived for so long depsite living that life for nothing. You know how to protect your own. How to survive. How to look after each other. Y/n is independent and she can hold her own, after all she did take down Aizen and his operation. My mind will just be more at ease knowing she will be under your care. Maybe not living with you and actively in your life if that makes you uncomfortable, but at least from afar look after her Hisoka. Please. "

" I wouldn't dare ask this of you if I didn't know for a fact that you care about her. "




"I can't promise you anything Itachi."

" I know you enjoy having her live by you Hisoka or merely her being in your life. You offered your home to her without knowing her entirely because you knew she was different. That sudden disappearance of the cop on the news she told me she had to distract at your place after the heist - I know you killed him because he interfered with her. Taking out an entire week from your gangster lifestyle to detox her. Trusting her to make you walk again, trust that you don't ever give away to people. I noticed the same guys, assumingly your bodyguards that followed us all the way to the Maldives and back because you were worried about her safety after what she did and obtaining the name - The Joker's girl. You won't openly acknowledge it, but you care deeply for her and from the start you have subconsciously looked after her. All I ask is that you continue doing so."


"Thank you Hisoka.."


"Why did you not ever tell Y/n you love her more than a best friend?"

"O-oh. Haha. You picked up on the type of 'I love you' I uttered to her today huh? Well.."

"I'd never be so cruel and possibly date someone knowing I'd leave this world soon. That would put her off relationships forever if she didn't kill herself first. No one deserves to only be loved for a few years, but for many decades. I could never give her that typical couple love story. Date. Get married. Have kids. Die from old age. She already loves me unbelievably much as her best friend. I can't imagine the intensity of love she would've had if it was romantic. It would've been selfish of me to persue that. My time as her best friend was enough for me. I got to live with her for a few years. I fell asleep and woke up to her. We shared many moments together. Almost every moment together. I got to hug her, hold her and be there for her. I got to spend my remaining years with the person I fell in love with. What better ending could I have? "



'This man deserves you more than me..'

For the first time in history, Hisoka didn't feel a sense of jealousy or possessiveness. He felt for Itachi and actually wished that he would live so that you and him could be together. That's right, Hisoka wanted you to be with another man other than him.

He looked at the last remaining Uchiha with admiration, pity, pain and guilt.
Guilt because you were with him most of the time. Yes that whole incident with Sakura forced it, but even after that, you had to move back in to look after him when he couldn't walk. Even when he was recovered, Hisoka wanted you to continue staying with him. Hearing all this now, Hisoka was glad that he told you to leave with Itachi. Giving him the little bit of time he had left with you.

"Do you dislike me?"

"Oh definitely not. How could I be envious and hate you for being the man she fell for when I know I won't be around for long to make her happy. It does hurt, but at least I know she won't be alone in this world when I'm gone. Underworld leader or not, you are good to those you care about, and you oddly bring her peace. You make her happy. That's all I care about. "

" Anyways.. This conversation isn't about what I feel and think about. I entrust her with you Hisoka. Please always be there for her."


After being shot, Hisoka immediately took you back to his place and contacted his personal doctor. Everything, including the surgery was done at his place. You weren't in the best of conditions, but you were breathing - that was good enough for him.

Day 1 turned into a week with you laying on his bed with drips and machines attached to you. Itachi's time was nearing, so Hisoka was more than open to letting Itachi spend his last dying breaths next to you.

Laying next to you for the entire week, hand in hand, Itachi stared at your beautiful face - praying for your health. The blood tests never come back yet, but he knew you would be okay. You were a strong woman. It takes a lot to knock you down for good, and the fact you still remained alive after being shot in the neck - a fetal point proved how strong you were and was enough evidence that you still had to live on in this world. You too stubborn to be defeated anyways.

Ghostly smiling, a single tear slid down Itachi's face as his grip gradually weakened. He was content that you weren't awake to witness him die like he always feared.

"Thank you for everything Y/n.. I will always love you.."

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