Chapter 58

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"Y/n you here!" Grimmjow excitedly yelled as he saw you walk down the stairs in a high bun and beautifully dressed in a long modest dress that subtly hid your figure.

"Yes! Where else would I be?" You replied with a bright smile, truly happy to see Grimmjow.

Reaching the last step, you walked towards a sitting him, pushed the side of his head onto your stomach, noodled your arm around his shoulders and rested your head ontop of his affectionately.

It truly showed that you and Grimmjow were close to by how he casually wrapped his one arm around your lower back in return, naturally making Hisoka irritated even though it was a sibling love-bond.

Depsite it being sibling love, Grimmjow wasn't blood related to you, so seeing another man touching you pissed him off. But of course he kept quiet and acted neutral.

He should've said that if anyone in the group touches her, he'd kill them too. Oh well.

"I thought you were out with Itachi, but it makes sense for you to sleep till 12 in the day. Lazy." Grimmjow teased.

Pulling his blue locks, you stepped back and rolled your eyes. "I deserve my sleep. Ass. However yes, I am actually going to see Itachi. Naturally I'm moving back now that your leader is in top shape again." You happily replied, smiling at Hisoka for a few seconds before looking back at Grimmjow.

Oh, how he loved when you smiled at him, but he couldn't enjoy that smile because his world came crashing back down. You were leaving. Again.

"At the hospital you said you weren't going to leave." Hisoka cold voice, sharp as a razor blade sliced down the light and happy vibe between you and Grimmjow.

With your smile slowing fading, "Y-yeah I'm not. I meant that I'm not g-going to leave the area again a-and leave like how I did the last time from here. Not talking to you a-and stuff." You nervously replied.

For some reason the way he looked at you made you feel extremely uncomfortable. Like a sharp needle scratching down your throat, you stood there in silence, cracking under his gaze. You felt like a liar.

" I recalled you saying you weren't going to leave my side ever again, but very well. Go if you must." Hisoka indifferently spoke, not daring to let his voice carry any emotion.

Shit. Awkward tension much.

Standing there dumbfounded, you gulped dryly and dug your nails deeply into your palms, indeed you felt terrible. He was right.

" Oh y-yes. I'll st-"

"No. Best if you do leave so you don't get caught up in unnecessary warfare or get in the way."Hisoka cut you off rather gently. Completely acting different from his previous demeanour. It was cold, but anyone could tell that he meant that in a protective and kind manner.

Studying the two, Sabastian could tell this little show wasn't planned. You were genuinely feeling bad and Hisoka was clearly bothered by you moving out.

"I'll s-see you guys l-later." You timidly stated, walking away a bit hurt that Hisoka said you would get in the way after you time and time again proved that you could stand your own ground.

After you closed the door Grimmjow looked at Hisoka, "Fuck brah, she got you walking again and you toss her aside like that." He commented, not really caring that Hisoka said he didn't want her around because of any cross fire.

"And I got her clean. As I said we call it even." Hisoka replied, refusing to be affected by what he said to you. You the one that was leaving his side, not him.

"Back to business." Hisoka added, putting a stop to any further remarks about you and him.


After a few hours of hanging out with Itachi, both of you came back to Hisoka's place to pack up. Luckily no one else was home.

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