Chapter 27

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And just like that, after that day you grew distant with everyone. For Hisoka it was by choice, the rest you just never had time to talk to them or see them at the house because you weren't there often. Maybe just Grimmjow and Hidan you spoke too, but that was it. You managed to get a day job as a waiter from 4pm to to 10pm which was perfect because you finish school at 3pm and your club shift started at midnight. However since there wasn't any school on the weekends, today Sunday, or the up coming week because of that excursion, you could work the whole day till your next job started.

You were grateful that the owners of the place saw how hard you worked and were opened to your innovative idea of generating more money for the restrurant thus giving you a Manger position. However depsite being a Manger, you still waitered for the extra tips.

It was hard at first to adapt, but you eventually learnt the times the restrurant wasn't busy, and during that time you would use one of the tables to study.

Deeply kissing one of the girls that came to him in the club that sat on his lap, Hisoka's eyes opened for a brief second and saw you. Pulling away from the girl, he refocused his attention on you.

"Can you see who's that person wearing the hoodie next to Y/n?" Hisoka asked Grimmjow that was busy drinking and smoking, acting merry with Hidan.

Expelling smoke from his mouth, Grimmjow averted his gaze to your direction and narrowed his eyes, hoping to see who it was. ''Nope. Too many people and lights. " He answered

Ignoring the easy girl that was now sucking on his neck, Hisoka continued to watch you. You counted several dollars and handed it to him on the downlow and in exchange the hooded person gave you a blue pill bottle and walked away.

" Can you bring that person to me please?"

Grimmjow took in one more puff before putting down his drink and cigarette, "Sure thing." he nonchalantly obeyed.

Forcefully shoving the hooded person that turned out to be a guy in front Hisoka, Grimmjow sat back down.

"You Y/n dealer?" Hisoka wasted no time getting straight to the point.

Just like all dealers, they were always reluctant to speak, so as encouragment Hisoka took out his gun to and rested it on the table in front of him.

"Unless you have a death wish I suggest you start talking. We not law enforcement as you can see." Hisoka spoke dangerously low, but very calmly and smoothly which made him seem even more terrifying and intimidating.

"Y-yes I am." He nervously answered, eying the cash, alcohol, guns and cigarettes scattered all over the stripper table.

"Was the drugs you gave her speed?" Hisoka assumed, thinking you probably back on it since you don't come to his house anymore. Just to shower and change.

"N-no. I gave her that yesterday. What I gave her now was Adderall. She's asked for that because it seems she's struggling to concentrate on her studies."

Suddenly Hisoka's eyes grew dark and unhappy. Smoothly pushing the girl off the him, Hisoka stood up and aggressively snagged the guy's jacket.

" Are you trying to kill her? The speed she is taking is an amphetamine. Adderall is also an amphetamine. That's double the dosage you fool." A highly pissed off Hisoka spoke, which was odd, considering he was known to always have a Joker demeanour. Calm and collected, unphased by everything.

With panic stricken eyes, the guy lifted up his arms defensively. He was ''L-Look man. I'm just doing my job. She knows how dangerous it is. I'm not sure if she's a typical full blown meth addict that's chasing the high, or she's genuinely not thinking straight. Either way, it's her choice. "

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