Sir- Gabriel X Nathalie

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Requested by Roxy_flower

Hi I was wondering if you can do a gabriel and nathalie one-shot please
Maybe where nathalie bumps into a old friend and he asks if he wants to go get coffee, she agrees and gabriel sees that and gets jealous

This is written from the third-person point of view (POV). This turned out a little more romantic than I intended it to... Yeah- I hope you enjoy it tho!

Warnings: Jealousy, maybe a little stalker-ish Gabriel, and then fluff


Nathalie sighed in relief after finishing her papers for the afternoon. She was thinking to leave for maybe half an hour to a cafe, and breathe in the fresh air. A little trip to a cafe won't hurt. She thought and proceeded to walk to Gabriel's office where he sat going through many fashion designs on his screen but lifted his head to greet Nathalie with a nod.

"Want anything?" He asked, his eyes focusing back on his screen in concentration.

"I wanted to inform you that I'll be leaving to a cafe and get some fresh air, sir." She folded her hands together in front of her. He hummed and waved her off with his hand, his eyes fixated on the screen.

"All right, but don't take too long." He spoke flatly and she nodded and turned to walk away. When the door closed behind her he lifted his eyes to gaze at the closed door in thought. But shook his head and went back to work.

Nathalie stepped into the little cafe she used to visit frequently but stopped because of heavy work thrown on her shoulder for the past few months. She was glad she could visit it again after so long and went to order her regular drink. An iced tea.

After getting her drink she sat down at a table and browsed through her phone. She heard someone call out her name and turned her head to look towards the person and gave him a small genuine smile when she noticed who he was.

"Luis." She stood to greet him with a hug that he returned not catching sight of her boss discreetly watching them in the back.

"Hey Nath," He greeted cheerfully, using her old nickname. "Long time no see!" He offered her a wide grin, showing off his white teeth.

"Yeah, how has it been in work?" She asked after breaking the hug with him. They both sat down at the two chairs opposite each other around the circular table.

He sighed with a smile, "It's been going well, kicking my ass here and there sometimes but that's how jobs work." He shrugged his shoulders with a relaxed expression and focused his eyes on her. "How about you? Working as the famous Gabriel Agreste's assistant?"

"I have been overworking myself lately and had lots of papers to do and finish. Only today I chose to take a little break from work, go out, take some fresh air in." She shrugged, sipping on her iced tea as he nodded in understanding, scratching his chin lightly with his elbow propped up on the table.

"You two dating?" He asked out of nowhere causing Nathalie to whip her head up instantly to face him with wide eyes. "W-What? No, no of course not..." She trailed off, her mind wandering to Gabriel instantly. Yes, she liked him, loved him even but this love was one-sided. He was married, and wouldn't move on from his wife so there was no chance.

But then she looked at him with a curious look, "But why?" He nodded behind her, his eyes fixed on something or someone. Her head turned only to notice Gabriel sitting right at the corner of the cafe, talking on the phone.

"It seems to me he was jealous." Luis shrugged his shoulders, with a carefree smile on his face as he started to get up. "I'll meet you later. He might want to talk to you." He gave her a wink and a side hug and walked away and out of the cafe.

She stared at him leave and jerked in her seat when someone touched her shoulder and twisted her head to see Gabriel standing behind her with a slight glare pointed on the way Luis took walking out. Some heads turned his way, noticing the famous fashion designer is out with a woman in a cafe.

"Let's go." He helped her out of her seat and they both walked out, he leads her to his car and opens the passenger's seat for her to enter and she does. He closes the door and circles around the car and gets in the driver's seat and starts driving. It was quiet until she realized he wasn't heading to the mansion.

"Sir? This isn't the way-"

"I know." He cut her off knowing exactly where he's headed. She cleared her throat and looked out the window in silence after giving him a nod, letting him drive them and wait to see where their stop will be.

He ended up parking in an empty parking lot with the view of the ocean in front of them. He turned off the car and sat still in his seat. Nathalie shifted, the tension between them beginning to feel uneasy.

"Who was that?" He asked simply, his eyes focused on the ocean in front. Her eyes widened only slightly, straightening in her seat.

"An old friend, sir."

"Don't do that." He spoke through clenched teeth and her eyes widened the slightest, her mouth gaping slightly.

"Do what si-"

"Calling me that." He snapped making her flinch in her seat. "Call me Gabriel. By my name." His fist tightened on the wheel, his mouth curving into a scowl.

"But s-" Nathalie tried to protest but he held up his hand interrupting her. "Don't you want to?" His head finally turned to face her and her eyes held a sparkle from the sun high in the sky that Gabriel noticed and admired.

"It isn't that I don't want to. But is it okay? I'm your assistant, after all..." She folded her hands and laid them on her lap, her head hung low.

"Yes, I'm giving you my permission." He sighed, "Can't you see?" Her head turned to face him with a look of confusion.

"See what si- G-Gabriel." She halted her words at his glare and cleared her throat.

"I stopped being Hawkmoth. I'm not a villain. And I moved on..." Her eyes widened in sheer shock.

Moved... On...? She thought.

"I love you." He breathed and her heart beat against her chest so loudly she could hear it clearly in her ears.

"Love...?" She murmured. He pinched the bridge of his nose with a frown and looked out the window.

"I know this is sud-" He started but then got interrupted with a soft palm landing on his cheek and veering his head around to face Nathalie.

"I love you too." She whispered and pulled his face to hers for a soft kiss.


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