Rest -Adrien x Reader

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Here's a cute and long one shot to make up for the previous sad one. Its just a cute idea I thought of while I was getting tired the other day cause of writing a lot ~_~

This is going to be written from your point of view (POV). Hope you enjoy it!!

(F/c): Favorite color
(F/m): Favorite meal



I sighed out of exhaustion on my working desk, stretching out and hearing my neck do a pop sound and sighing out at the little relief it gave me.

I was sat on my working desk, sending, writing, and in meetings, working from 6 in the morning till 5. Adrien, my boyfriend, was out modeling for the day and taking photoshoots while I was typing away on my computer and phone, working furiously, just craving to finish my work and go back home to relax and cuddle with my boyfriend.

My phone ringed and I took it off the desk, balancing it between my ear and shoulder, while I was writing an email to someone from work.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone politely, cause it may have been my boss since he called a couple of times today for me to complete some work for him.

"Hey princess!" A smile crawled its way on my lips when I heard the cheerful greeting of my cute blonde boyfriend.

"Hey my prince," I giggled lightly at my nickname for him, continuing to type swiftly on my keyboard.

"When will you be back?" He whined like a baby and I shook my head.

"I may arrive late at night, baby. I have a lot of work to do today." I could hear the disappointment in his voice when he speaks his next words, "But I miss youuu. We didn't see each other for the whole dayyy." He whined.

"I know, I know, but it's ok. I'll come at night and if I see you asleep, I'll cuddle you." I tried to reassure him.

"No! When I bring you home, I will stay up and take care of you!!" My heart melts and I try not to get emotional.

"Aww, I'll sure jump into your arms." I giggle quietly, now wanting to disturb the others working in their cubical rooms around me.

"Of course you will, and I'll prepare the best dinner for you tonight!" My smile widens at his words.

"(Y/n)! Get back to work!" My boss shouts at me from across the room and I whip my head around to face him and give him a nod.

"Will I gotta go now Adrien, gotta do my work," I speak, trying to mask out my sadness.

"Ok, princess, tell me when to pick you up!"

"Sure will, bye, love you."

"Love you tooooo-" I giggle and hang up.

Dork... but he's my dork. I smile at the thought and continue working.

~Magical Time Skip~

I yawn, my eyes fighting to stay open and focus on the bright screen of the computer in front of me.

It's now been 4 hours and it's now 9 pm and I still had a lot of work to do. Emails to take care of, projects that need to be done, and a lot more and it was all draining me out.

I only had the chance to eat a sandwich that I made at home today and drank a few cups of water to stay hydrated, getting a couple of bathroom breaks in the day too.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)!" I jerked up from my seat but calmed down once I saw Adrien standing there beside my chair.

"Oh, hey Adri- wait, what are you doing here??" I ask surprised.

"Came to pick my princess up." I shook my head, rubbing my droopy eyes.

"But I didn't call you."

"I know but I just knew that by all the work you have done, you deserve some rest so I asked your manager if he can give you a day off tomorrow and he agreed. Now come on, you need to take a nice warm shower, eat dinner, and go to sleep cuddling up to your cute boyfriend."

"B-But-" I try to protest but he cuts me off, "No buts. Look around you, no one is working at this hour. Baby, you need rest." He kneels in front of me and holds my small hands in his larger ones and I sigh, giving in.

I shut off everything, making sure I saved what I wrote and got off my chair. I took my small handbag with my stuff in it and tossed it on my shoulder, leaning into Adrien as my exhaustion started showing. I couldn't even stand properly on my own feet but gasped quietly when I felt arms pick me up.

"You are this exhausted huh?" He chuckled lowly and I mumbled gibberish, my head falling on his shoulder as sleep took its toll on my body.

~Another Magical Time Skip~

"Babe, wake up. Princess, you need to wake up." My eyes opened to a soft voice and the gentle shaking of my shoulder.

"There you go." I scrunched up my nose when I felt lips kiss it and opened my eyes completely to gaze into emerald green eyes.

"Hey princess, we're here." I noticed that we were in his car and he was on my side with the door wide open.

"I don't wanna walk." I whine, "Pick me up." I look at him with the puppy eyes and he sighed giving in.

"Fine, but only because you're cute." He reached inside and pulled me up and into his arms, holding me bridal style.

"I'm not cute," I grumbled, drowning my face into his chest while he closed the car door with his foot.

"Are too. And can you please get my keys and lock the car?" I nod and take the keys from his hands which were under my back, holding me up and locked the car, shoving them in my handbag, and snuggling into his chest again.

We then went inside our home and I unlocked and locked the door, still in Adrien's arms as he walked towards our bathroom in our room upstairs.

"Here, go take shower while I go prepare everything for dinner, okay?" I nod to him and he kisses my forehead and goes downstairs.

After I'm finished with my shower, I saunter downstairs in a (F/c) short shorts and a (F/c) tank top.

I walk to the dining table and gape at the (F/m) on the table, with a lit candle in the middle of the table.

"So, do you like it?" I feel arms wrap around me from behind and nod, turning around in his arms and enveloping him in a hug.

"Thank you." I kiss his lips for a few seconds and then go and sit on a chair, with Adrien sitting beside me and we start eating.

After we have finished eating I went to make the dishes but felt arms wrap around me from behind once again, stopping me from moving.

"You are not doing the dishes and tiring yourself more missy. You and I will cuddle in bed and you will sleep and rest." I sigh, smiling lightly, and nodded.

"Fine, fine."

I then yelp when he picks me up and starts to run upstairs to our room. He lays me down on the bed, shuts off the lights, and climbs in with me under the blanket, snuggling into my chest as I played softly with his hair.

"Good night, my prince," I whispered, kissing his head and giggled lightly when he kissed my neck.

"Good night, my princess." He whispered and I was then whisked away into dreamland.


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