Dehydrated - Luka x Reader

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So this was something I thought of randomly so I hope you like it!

So I don't really know what someone feels like when they haven't drank water for a while so if there are any mistakes please understand it's because I don't know. Thank you for reading, have fun!

The next requests are going to be published soon don't worry!

Warnings: Fluff


Your POV

Sweat trickled down my forehead as I took another lap around the park I train at every weekend.

I went to drink water but forgot that I hadn't brought it with me since I failed to notice that I didn't bring a bottle with me from home and of course, didn't fetch any money. I did feel a little dizzy but nothing was too serious so that was good.

After 30 more minutes of running and practicing, I started getting more and more dizzy and drowsy. I then realized that I was beside Luka's boat-house and thought of greeting him but then changed my mind when I remembered my massive crush on the guitarist.

As I continued to run -well tried- the world around me started to blur and the sounds of the busy streets and chats of people started fading slowly until my breaths were heavy. The last thing I remembered is someone crying out my name then felt my body hit the ground with a thud, my eyes closing and fainting.

~Magical Timeskip~

I awoke with a groan leaving my lips and then instantly felt a body sit beside me on the bed I was laying on but that's when I recognized that that wasn't my bed and a swarm of words ran around my head.

Am I kidnapped!? Where am-

And that's when my eyes met beautiful blue ones that caused me to freeze in my place. Literally, since the room was cold...

"L-Luka? What happened!? I'm really sorry for disturbing you, I g-gotta g-" As I attempted to stand up and leave I quickly felt extra dizzy and wobbled on my feet but soon felt arms wrap around my waist and set me back down on the bed.

"Hey, it's ok, (Y/n), I saw you faint on the side of the road today and took you to a doctor." I nodded for him to continue but clutched onto my head in pain.

"Oh! Here, you need to drink." He handed me a cup full of water and I gulped it down the second it was handed to me.

"So as I was saying, the doctor informed me that you were dehydrated. He told me to make sure you drink water the moment you woke up." I nod, feeling guilty for being so stupid and worrying Luka with my troubles.

"Hey, look at me, don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault." I stared at him bewildered and blinked.

"How did you..." I trailed off. He took the now empty glass of water from me and placed it on his bedside table.

"I just know." He shrugged, "But seriously, it wasn't your fault, ok?" I hang my head low, still blaming all this on me. Because of me, he had to get me to the hospital and back to his home and tire himself.

"No, Luka I already tired you enough. I just have to g- hmph!" I gasped when soft lips smashed into mine and was about to faint when I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist and swooned.

He broke the kiss, both of us breathing heavily as his arms were wrapped around my waist and mine around his neck.

"It's not your fault." He breathed and I finally nodded, accepting it wasn't my fault and kissed him again.


Short but cute ^.^

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