Jealous bugaboo? -Chat Noir x Ladybug

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Requested by @mustansir539 on Instagram!

Jelouse ladybug

This was fun to write 👁👄👁

Warnings: Jealousy (Duh)

This is written in Marinette's point of view (POV) Hope this is what you wished for!!


I rolled my eyes when Chat continued to flirt with Ryuuko while fighting. It's been like that ever since I brought her here and I didn't know what this feeling was but it definitely wasn't a good one.

"Smooth move there, Ryuuko." Chat winked at her with a suggestive smile while I fought the urge not to roll my eyes again.

"You too, Chat Noir." She smiled back at him.

"Guys, focus!" I snap and we continue to fight.

Chat was about to get hit by the villain and I was about to throw my yo-yo at him to get him out of the way but a certain hero came and saved him before I could.

She held him bridal style, landing on a random roof while my blood boiled inside me. I was not happy.

"Thanks m'lady."

He did not just...

I felt hurt that he had called her m'lady instead of me. I never heard him calling anyone m'lady instead of me, and that hurt me deeply and I didn't even know why it had hurt me this much.

"Not calling me m'lady anymore?" I ask, feeling a bit hurt but hiding it behind a fake smile.

"Why? Are you jealous bugaboo?" He smirks his signature smirk and leans close to me but we quickly jump apart from each other when a hit was thrown towards us.

"No, I'm not!" I holler jumping on a street light and throwing my yo-yo in the air calling out my lucky charm.

~Magical Timeskip~

"Miraculous ladybuuug!!" I cry out when I threw the lucky charm in the air and everything got repaired.

"Pound-" I go to fist-bump Chat but see him already fist-bumping Ryuuko.

"It..." My hand drops to my side and my smile falls into a frown. I thought that was our thing.

I cough to get their attention and they both whirl around to face me, "I gotta get Ryuuko back and get the miraculous." Ryuuko nods and together we jump away to where she originally was in hiding and she gave me back the miraculous.

"Thank you for trusting me again Ladybug." I nod, not making eye contact with her and jump away.

"M'lady!" I start to jump on roofs hastily not wanting to face Chat.

"Ladybug wait!!" I then reluctantly stop on a roof for him to catch on to me.

"What do you want Chat?" I mumble keeping my head hung low.

"Why did you go away without our usual pound it?" He sounded unhappy but I wasn't going to show any grief.

"Why? Because you did it with Ryuuko and ignored me!" I was going to leap to another roof if it wasn't for Chat to grip my wrist.

"I'm sorry." I spin my head around and gasp quietly when I see a frown on his lips.


"I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge you during all this time. I simply didn't want to bother you with my puns and flirtiness seeing as you don't like them." He gazes at me with a frown on his lips.

"It's ok," I murmur.

He lets my wrist go and I see him putting his fist up looking at me with hope in his eyes.

My lips bend up into a smile and I put up my hand in a fist, "Pound it!"


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