Hugs -Luka x Reader

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This is a little drabble I thought of when I study for hours cuz of highschool. It literally kicked me in the ass and everything's been hard for me lately and yeah, sorry for rambling, let's get to it! This is also going to be written from your point of view! Hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: Just fluff


You sighed after finally completing your homework and relaxed back into your chair at your desk, letting out a big sigh of relief as a frown settled on your lips. You were mentally and physically drained after hours of work.

You glanced towards the clock on your wall and groaned when you noticed it read 10 pm. A creak of the door opening made you spin your head lazily only to see your blue-headed boyfriend enter your room.

Your half-lidded eyes stared at him as he turned off the lights and strolled to you, helping you stand up, your worn out body leaning on his as his arms engulfed you in a sweet and warm embrace that you let a big sigh too. Your head rested on his chest as you both stayed like that for what felt like an eternity but was only a few minutes.

"Let's get you to bed, cutie." He whispered sweetly into your ear and picked you up gently, walking to your bed and tucking you in. "Cuddle me." You mumbled lowly, too tired to speak louder than a mumble and he smiled warmly and got in under the covers with you.

He hugged you close to him and kissed your head that lay on his chest. "Goodnight beautiful." He whispered, and a faint smile appeared on your lips and you fell asleep in his arms after that, feeling warm and safe.


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