Time of the month -Adrien x Marinette

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So I just had to write this since periods freaking suck for me and I'm currently having it and my stomach is in so much pain I wanna die.

Also, this is going to be written in Marinette's point of view (POV). Yeah that's it so hope you like it!

Warning: Fluffy


I was now curled up in my blankets, groaning in pain and clutching my stomach. Today sadly my period started early and I wasn't ready and so now I don't really have anything to help my situation.

I went into the bathroom and stayed there for what seemed like years, trying to stop myself from crying cause of the pain but a quiet sob left my lips.

"Princess! Are you ok? I just came back from modeling and heard you sob in the bathroom! Is everything ok?" Adrien, my boyfriend exclaimed with concern shown from how he spoke.

"I-I'm fin- Ah!" I clutch my stomach a bit harder as I felt the pain get more painful.

"That doesn't sound like it! Princess, please tell me what's wrong." He speaks the second sentence with sincere that makes me give in.

"It's that t-time of the month and it came early than e-expected." I whimper and a tear escapes my eye while I was still clutching onto my stomach.

It's then been atleast 2 minutes of silence until I hear Adrien's voice speaking behind the closed bathroom door.

"Open the door princess, I got you something." I get up wincing and open the door and see Adrien holding out a plastic bag.

"Huh? W-What is this?" I speak trying my hardest not to close my eyes in pain.

"Look," He smiles and hands me the bag. I open it and gaped softly at the pads in the bag.

"Thank you!! You're the best!" I kiss his cheek and run back into the bathroom and I hear him laugh.

"I have another surprise for you so meet me in the living room!" I quickly do my business in the bathroom and walk out, heading to the living room.

"So what is that surpris-" I gasp when the sight of Adrien sitting on the couch with a bag full of sweets and chocolates and also with a blanket with him hits me.

"I thought you may need those since I heard the girls like to eat chocolate when they're-"

"I LOVE YOU!!!" I jump on the couch and kiss him. He kisses back after being shocked for a few seconds. I break the kiss and snuggle in his embrace and the blanket, starting to eat the few of the sweets he brought.

"Also," He spoke and I saw him raise his hand up holding the remote and pressed something on it. I turned my head around and noticed him putting on my favourite movie.

"I love you more now." He giggles and we then spent our night, snuggling in the blankets, watching my favourite movie and eating sweets and chocolates until I was feeling better.


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