Jealous -Marinette x Adrien

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This is a request I got from @fanbhavya__ on Instagram!

Adrien jealous when someone flirts with mari but still being a clown

Warning: None

Have fun! ^-^


Adrien's blood boiled when he saw Luka making Marinette laugh. He truly didn't know what the heck was going on with him and seriously just needed to get rid of the weird feeling in the pit of his stomach.

He scoffed when Luka winked at Marientte causing her to blush. He always thought that her blush was cute whenever it appeared on her freckled cheeks causing her to be cuter than she already is.

"Someone is jealous~" The black cat kwami snickered inside Adrien's jacket causing the blonde model to roll his eyes at his sneaky kwami. Plagg always teased Adrien about this but the young boy would always reply to his small flying cat with, "Shut up Plagg. I already told you, she's just a friend!"

He then with his pointy finger, pushed Plagg inside his jacket again. The kwami letting out a small yelp when he got pushed inside Adrien's jacket, grumbling on how he was just going to eat his lovely camembert cheese that he loved with all his heart.

Meanwhile, Marinette had bid Luka goodbye watching him walk away to practice alone for a bit in his room with his guitar. All the bandmates were in the ship of Luka and Juleka's practicing for their upcoming contest next week.

Alya and Adrien were there too to support their friends. Well- Adrien wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for Marinette's amazing best friend Alya.

"Come on girl! Adrien is right there! He's standing all alone, so go talk to him!" Alya whisper shouted to her clumsy best friend. Marinette blushed deeply and shook her head rapidly, waving her arms in the air like a maniac.

"W-what!? No! Me t-talk with Adrien!? Nope, no way. I'm not-GAH!!!" Sadly, before Marinette could finish her sentence, Alya pushed her with a straight expression on her face, un-interested in what her friend just babbled about.

Marinette clumsily stumbled into Adrien, her head hitting his chest, the impact causing the young designer to fall backward. But before she could fall on the floor, arms quickly wrapped around her tightly and pulled her up.

"Marinette? Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" Adrien asked the flushed girl in front of him, his hands now placed on both her shoulders, a hand on each as he stared concerningly at his friend.

Marinette was now beyond flustered and gaped into his emerald green eyes with awe as her mouth was slightly open in complete astonishment. Her flustered state at the moment was causing her to blush a newly crimson red that wasn't even possible to reach but for Marinette, everything was possible.

"Y-yeah! I'm not- I mean yes! I'm f-fine!" She giggled nervously as she stared at somewhere other than Adrien. He let out a small giggle, finding Marinette's stutters a cute thing about her.

(Yeah but still is dense and doesn't realize that he likes her :| }

Marinette then noticed her best friend moving her hands in a go-on sign signaling her to talk with Adrien. She takes a deep breath and dramatically lets it out as a sigh. She turns to face Adrien again but much to her dismay, before she could do anything, her phone rings.

She pulls it out of her jeans back pocket and looked at the caller Id, noticing that it was her mom calling her. She excused herself from Adrien and went to a more private place to talk with her mother.

"Hello, ma!" Marinette greeted her mother cheerfully, thankful that because of her mom, she didn't have to deal with Adrien on her own and embarrass herself in front of her long time crush.

"I need you in the baker sweety! Your dad and I aren't really able to help all the customers!" Marinette nods with a determined expression on her face.

"I'm coming on my way!" Marinette exclaimed and bid her mom goodbye and hanged up.

"I gotta go, guys! My parents need help at the bakery! Bye!" Everyone says goodbye to Marinette as she left the boat and went running to her parents' bakery.

Meanwhile in Adrien's head...

'Aww, she was so cute- wait wha-'


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