Double Date -Adrienette x DjWifi

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Requested by Miraculousfanx

Adrienette and DjWifi on a double date and Chloe suddenly comes

Hope this is what you wished for!

Warning: None


"Hey, guys! I have an idea!" Alya exclaims to her three friends after school ended.

"What is it Alya?" Alya's best friend, Marinette asked, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"I thought of going on a double date! Us four!"

"Double wha-" Adrien speaks up confused as he went to stand beside his girlfriend Marinette. {Yes, they are already together ^-^}

"A double date. Nino and I, and Marinette and you. The four of us go on a double date maybe to the movies or just go to the garden." Alya answers Adrien and shrugs.

"It's not really a bad idea. I'm in!" Nino exclaimed as he wrapped an arm around Alya's shoulder.

"Sure, I'm in if Marinette is." Adrien stared down at his lady and sent her a smile. She nodded, "Ok, It's settled then! But to where?"

"Maybe go and get some ice creams from André?" Adrien suggested.

"Ok! What about we just go to our houses to leave our backpacks there and then meet at André?" Everyone nodded and then they all separated to put their school bags in their home. Adrien went with Marinette as her home is closer and Nino with Alya.

When Marinette and Adrien reached her room, they put their school bags down on the ground and Marinette was on her way to leave her room but got pulled back by an arm wrapping around her waist, pulling her into her lover's chest.

Adrien pulled her into a kiss, Marinette swooning but kissing back. She pulled away only a few seconds later as a pout fell onto Adrien's lips for not having kissed Marinette for longer.

"Come on Adrien, we need to go meet Nino and Alya." She giggled.

"But promise to pick this up later?" He asked with a huge smirk placed on his lips causing Marinette's cheeks to flush knowing exactly what he meant.

"O-Of course..." She looked down and blushed as Adrien laughed at her cuteness.

"Come on princess, let's go." He held her hand and together they headed towards André.

When they reached it they were met with Alya and Nino already there, sitting on a bench chatting with each other.

"Hey, guys!" Marinette exclaimed, leaving Adrien and running towards her best friend.

"Hey, girl! Let's go get ice cream! I'm seriously getting hot." Everyone agreed and they went to André to get ice cream, every couple got one ice cream to share.

"Uh guys, I think you wanna see this..." Alya mumbled to her friends. They turned around only to have their jaws drop at the sight in front of them. Right there, in front of André getting ice cream was Luka and Chloe. Holding hands.

"Chloe.. is with Luka? Well, I didn't expect that but I am happy for them." Marinette smiled as she looked at the couple.

Luka and Chloe happened to notice the two couples and the blue-haired boy decided on going to them, much to Chloe's pleads not to go.

"Hey, guys!" Luka smiled at the two couples and they did the same and greeted him and Chloe.

"Hey, Luka! Hey Chloe! Are you two.. You know... dating?" Marinette teased. Chloe made an angry face but blushed at the same time as Luka chuckled softly.

"Yeah, we are."

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Adrien exclaimed as he bro hugged Luka. {These two are so precious ಥ‿ಥ}

"Thank you, Adrien. Chloe? Have anything to say?"

Chloe rolled her eyes and grumbled, "Thank you." She tugged at Luka's wrist and he got the message as the others laughed.

"Well then, we will be on our way. Bye!"

"Bye!" The four friends replied as Luka and Chloe walked away.

"It's getting late don't you think guys?" Everyone agreed with Nino. They called it a night and everyone went back to their homes. Adrien went with Marinette to sleep the night in and took permission from his father.

As the two greeted Marinette's parents and said goodnight, they went up to Marinette's room and closed the hatch door behind them.

"Now, shall we continue what we had started before going on the double date?" Adrien wiggled his eyebrows, a big smirk plastered on his lips.

Marinette sighed with a smile on her lips and blushes, "Of course you silly." She then wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss.

"Get ready for a long night full of fun princess." He whispered, pushing her gently on her lounge chair.


I know it sucks but I tried my best!! :')

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