Saved -Adrien x Kitten!Reader

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Now this is for Adrien, our small innocent boi. And you're again a kitten in here! Hope you enjoy!

Warning: Flufff


Your POV

I cried out loudly trying to get help from someone. I was currently stuck in a garbage bin that I couldn't get out of cause of my small size and cause currently there weren't really any garbage I can climb up on.

I think I was meowing for the past hour and it recently started raining adding to my misery. I gave up after that hour and tried to sleep but the rain was getting more harder and harder every passing second.

My mom also left me three days ago and never came back. I was confused and scared and began to get thirsty and hungry.

"What is a cute little kitten like you doing in here?" I whip my head up and stare at a human that was dressed in a black suit and with ears looking like mine with a black mask on his face.

"Meow?" I tilted my head to the side in confusion at the human. He seemed to be like me but not totally.

"Here. Let's get you out." He extends his hands towards me and I crawl slowly towards it. I sniff his hand and then nudge it with my head when I felt that he was friendly.

"Aww. I can't leave you here in this rain. I'll take care of you! Come on." He holds me up and I snuggle into his embrace starting to purr.

"Hold on." Huh?

"MEOW!!!" I shout loudly when he jumps up but then lands on the ground and that's when I feel the rain not hitting my fur anymore.

He then lets me down and then I look up hesitantly to see another human and no sight of the human dressed in the black suit.

I hiss and let my teeth out as to protect myself when the human widened his eyes. There was a black thing floating besides him too that also had ears like mine and green eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey, Its ok. I'm not gonna hurt you." He spoke gently but I still didn't trust him and let my teeth out and kept hissing.

"The kitten may trust you again if you turn into Chat Noir and turn back to Adrien. Maybe then it won't be scared and will realise that it's you?" The floating black thing spoke while I saw him throw a block of cheese in the air and catch it in his mouth.

"Maybe. Plagg, claws out!" I close my eyes tightly when a green light appears and the human wearing the black car suit is back.

I was now confused and titled my head in total confusion also letting out a confused meow.

"Look? It's me. No need to worry." I then walk towards him and sniff him but then snuggle unto his legs. Another green flash appears and the human boy stands infront of me. I sniff him again and then knew that by the smell of cheese that he's the human that was wearing the cat suit.

"Meow!" I jump up on his bed and try to jump on the table that has a glass of water cause I'm thirsty but then feel someone lifting me up.

"Oh no, this water is old. Here, let me go get you some." He puts me on his shoulder and I sit there comfortable as he moves.

"Adrien? What is the meaning of this?" He turns to see another human but a woman.


"Well, I found it and it was thirsty and hungry and was stuck inside a garage bin outside. I just couldn't leave it there. Please don't tell my father, I want to keep the kitten." The lady looks towards me and I meow and lean into the boy's soft hair.

She sighs, "Fine, but you better be careful Adrien." He nods happily and thanks her. He gets me a bowl of milk and bought me food fit for kittens online and I ate happily and lived in secret with him and the floating black thing that the boy Adrien introduced me to as Plagg.


I know that since you were a stray kitten then that means you had diseases but no, you were free from them in this chapter! We don't want anyone getting sick now do we? (CoRoNaViRuS)

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