Kitty Cat -Chat Noir x Ladybug

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Requested by depressedhoe51

Ladynoir but they dont know each others identities Any plot? Surprise me :)

This is written in Marinette's point of view,(POV). I hope this is what you wished for!!

Warnings: Only a little dirty joke, hehe...


"M'LADYYYY!!!!" My head whips around to face Chat's holler and saw him getting blasted off in the air and I leaped up to go after him before he hurt himself. I saw him about to land in a river but hastily threw my yo-yo towards him and pulled him to safety.

Well, he fell on a trampoline but that's safe, right?

"Ouch." He whined, rubbing his neck and jumping off the trampoline, now standing beside me.

"It didn't hurt did it?" I asked, now feeling a bit guilty that I may have broken a few bones of his...

"Nah, I'm as hard as a rock." I choke on literally nothing, starting to cough like crazy.

I can't believe he said that... I thought.

"Ladybug?? A-Are you ok?" Chat asked, with only a bit of concern but more confusion shown on his facial expression. I wouldn't blame him though, I would be confused if he started choking on nothing too.

"There you are!" We whip our heads around to face the villain and I instantly dodge his hit but not Chat.

He got hit and a small fog surrounded him. "Oh no..." I mumbled looking at the now kitty Chat Noir after the fog cleared out. Yeah, he pretty much turned into a real kitty cat.

"What happened!? Why is everything so huge!?" Chat exclaimed and I quickly landed beside him, picked him up, and leaped away into a hiding spot, enough time to figure out what to do with Chat's condition.

"M'lady? How are you holding me like I'm a baby-" I cut him off and turn him to face a mirror.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!" I clutch my ears in pain at his cat-like scream. The scared and shocked expression he held making me almost snort. (Top pic)

"WHY AM I A CAT-" I slap my hand on his mouth and he instantly shuts up but I shortly snatch my hand away from his mouth when I feel something dry lick my hand.

"Eww, Chat!!" I exclaim irritated, staring hard at him. He only tilts his head to the side with an innocent smile plastered on his furry face.

I groan and slap my hand on my forehead in annoyance.

"This is a problem." I deadpan.

"You think?" Chat speaks sarcastically and I sigh, positioning my chin on my hand, setting on the thinking face.

"Ok, you're a cat, and to get the villain we need to use your cataclysm, but... How?" I see Chat lifting up his hand- I mean paw and looking at it in curiosity.

"Hmm, cataclysm!" I watch in awe as his paw then glows and he now has the cataclysm activated.

"Ok, let's go defeat him!" I exclaim and we start our plan to defeat the villain.

~Magical Time Skip~

"Miraculous Ladybuuug!!" I throw my lucky charm in the air and everything goes back to normal. Well, the person who was holding Chat the kitty tumbled over when Chat transformed back into himself.

I tried not to crack up but miserably failed and started cackling.

Chat stood up, helping up the person and apologizing for falling on him. He then said goodbye and walked towards me, all the while rubbing the back of his head.

"So? How did it feel to be a kitty cat?" I asked jokingly, giggling slightly at his straight face not looking amused at all.

"You don't need to know." He grumbled out in annoyance but with a hint of a smile shown on his face.

"Pretty sure it felt like crap, didn't it?" I spoke, pretty much regretting it because I then got chased all over the roofs for a few minutes by an angry cat.

It was worth it. I thought.

"COME HERE, M'LADY!!!" I yelp and continued sprinting away from him, laughs of amusement leaving our lips.


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