Bad Luck (Part 2) -Chat Noir x Ladybug

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This second part was requested by KirayaAgatha

This is written from Adrien's point of view (POV) but will change in the middle so yeah. I hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: Fluff with a twist in the end ;)


"She defended me, Plagg. Marinette actually defended Chat Noir." I spoke out dreamily. I was laying down on the side of my bed with my legs hanging from the side. My arms were crossed under my head as I daydreamed and looked up at my ceiling.

"Yeah, yeah. Stop it with all this love talk already, I wanna eat my cheese in peace!" Plagg wailed in annoyance but I paid him no mind whatsoever and shut my eyes.

~Magical Time Skip~

It was now time to patrol the city with Ladybug and I put down my phone on the bed and got up. "Plagg, time to go!" Plagg groaned from his place on my dresser and swallowed a whole block of cheese.

"Claws out!" I transformed and jumped out of my window, heading to our meeting spot which was the Eiffel Tower's highest point.
After I arrived, I waited for Ladybug to make her appearance, and sat down, dangling my legs from the edge.

I should probably tell her what happened today. Marinette and m'lady both had my back. They believed that I wasn't bad luck and that I was more than that. And they made me feel wanted, loved, and cared about. I thought.

"Hey, kitty! Sorry, I'm late today. I didn't notice the time!" She giggled, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly as she sauntered towards me and crouched beside me, also dangling her legs from the edge.

"It's okay m'lady. But I wanted to tell you something." I looked ahead at the shining lights of the city down below.

"If you're gonna confess again-"

"No not that! I wanted to tell you what happened today with me. It's about what occurred yesterday. You know..." I hesitated. "Alya announcing I'm bad luck..." I shrugged and hung my head low.

Ladybug's face turned into one of relief but then was instantly replaced with a soft smile. "You know you're not bad luck, right kitty?" She placed her hand on top of my head and rubbed gently. I felt the heat coming up to my cheeks and looked away.

"Y-Yeah, anyway!" I swatted her hand away, my cheeks flushed and heated with embarrassment. She giggled, raising her hands in surrender with a cheeky smile on her lips.

"Okay, okay. So, what is it you wanna say?" She shifted a bit in her seating position to face me.

"So today morning, I heard my friend talking about yesterday and she was saying that I was b-bad luck. But then, her friend who was with her confronted her and told her off. She defended me, saying that it wasn't my fault. She said that without me, you wouldn't have been able to defeat the villains. Which isn't true-"

"No!" I looked at her shocked at her little outburst. "I-I mean, I wouldn't have done it without you Chat. You protected and sacrificed your life for me numeral times and helped defeat the villains. You are my partner kitty, and both of us help defeat the villains and save the citizens." 

I stared at her with emotion I couldn't understand. I felt happy, proud, and a true hero.

"Thank you m'lady," I mumbled, smiling genuinely at her.

"N-No problem Chat Noir. And who was your friend?" I gazed at her with confusion. She was biting her bottom lip looking nervous.

"Uh, Marinette." I shrugged, thinking it's safe to tell her that. But I was wrong since her eyes bulged out in shock.

"O-OH OKAY! Oh, look at the time! We gotta patrol quickly and go back home. BYE!!" I stare at her with complete bewilderment and rub the back of my head. "Okay..."

Marinette's POV

After patrol finished, I headed straight to my home and landed on my balcony, de-transforming in the process.

"Oh my god, Tikki he's in my school!!" I yelled, pulling on my hair and walking laps around my room.

"It's okay Marinette, maybe he was passing by!" Tikki said, trying to calm down me before I get too into it and figure out his identity.

"Right. Yeah, he could have been walking by the school." I said, trying to calm my nerves down but with no avail. "But how does he know my name?!" My mind wandered to the last time I heard a faint 'thank you' in school too and I freaked out more.

"Wait a second, could it have been him?! It sounded like him... NO BAD MARINETTE, BAD. Don't think about it, don't think about it!!" I shook my head vigorously, tightening my grip on my head to the point it hurt me from how tight I was gripping it.

"Marinette, don't you think you're over-reacting? Just do something else, like drawing or studying! It might change help you forget."

"RIGHT!!" I jump up and sit down on my chair and start drawing new designs, and study just to forget.

Third person's POV

The cat superhero chuckled from where he was, looking at his princess through a roof.

"Still too early huh?" He smiled softly at her inside her room and jumped away, heading back to his home.


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