Thunderstorms -Marinette x Chat Noir

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This is a little cute Oneshot I thought of! It's also going to be written in Marinette's point of view (POV). More people voted on my account to publish this first so here ya go! Hope you enjoy!

Warning: Fluffy


I shivered in fear as another strike of thunder hit the ground and lit my whole room for a second. My trap window being right above my head wasn't helping me either since the sound of the water droplets hitting my window kept going so fast, the loud hitting of the water on the glass scaring me to the point I would think the glass might break.

I have hated thunderstorms for so long that I'm by now terrified of them. When I was little, I would sit down and watch scary movies when the storm was happening outside my home, not giving any care in the world.

But now, I randomly started to get scared of them until by now I got terrified and jump into my blankets just when a storm appears.

Tikki was now sleeping in her tiny little home I built for her in her little bed too, making me wonder how's she's able to sleep with all the thunder happening outside my home.

Another hit of the thunder made me flinch and grip my blankets stronger. I closed my eyes tight, trying my hardest to fall asleep but it's nearly impossible with all the terrifying sounds of the rain and thunder.

I jump in my bed when a knock is heard on my trap window and I take my blankets off my face slowly but then gasp and quickly get up and fiddle with the lock of the trap window when I notice the one and only Chat Noir drenched in the water outside.

I opened it and pulled him inside, the trap door closed the second he was pulled inside.

"H-Hey prin-"

"What were you thinking Chat?! Why were you outside my trap window in the middle of a huge storm?!" I cock an eyebrow and place my hands on my hips.

His ears droop and he pouts, looking hurt from my outburst causing guilt to engulf me as my face softens and I let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry kitty. I just got worried about you. Let's get you a towel come on." I pull him with me gently towards my lounge chair and make him sit on it as I got up to grab a towel.

I walk back to Chat and freeze in my tracks when I see him licking his hand.

"Chat? What are you doing?" I stare in confusion at him, trying not to laugh at his weird habits.

He freezes and slowly raises his eyes to look at me. I laugh when he rapidly lays his hand down on his lap and blushes furiously.

"You silly kitty." I giggle and walk towards him. I wrap the towel around his head and start to dry his wet hair with the towel.

"You shouldn't have come out in the rain like this and risk getting sick."

"I'm sorry for scaring you princess. I just couldn't handle the thunderstorms alone in my big room." He giggles nervously as his hand grips my wrist causing me to stop drying his hair and look at him with awe.

He looked so cute with his wet golden locks stuck to his forehead and his ears drooping like a real cat. I then felt my cheeks flush and saw his lips curl into a smirk.

"MMPH!!" I covered his face with the towel and looked away blushing so hard I think I'm gonna explode.

5 minutes later~

He gasps, "Are you blushingggg?"


"You think I'm cute!!!"

"No I don'ttt." I cover my face as he leans towards me with a big mischievous grin.

"You liiike meeee." I whine and turn away from him in embarrassment.

At least he saved me from my fear of thunderstorms.


Yes, these last few lines were borrowed from a comic of @ohsweetsweetie on Instagram!! I just love her drawings and comics so much so that's why I had to do this!! XD Hope you enjoyed! ^-^

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