I love you -Chat Noir x Marinette

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This is a little something I thought of! Hope you enjoy it!

Warning: Flufff


Marinette's forehead dripped with sweat as she was trying her best to avoid the fire that was made by her accidentally. It was slowly creeping her way and to her luck, the fire was blocking the way to get to her bunk bed and to the balcony.

She started to look around for anything to help her but then soon found out that she was standing right in front of her window. She quickly opened it and then quickly and safely crawled out the window, now clutching onto the stool for dear life.

She hoped to hear or see the firetrucks outside her home but they look like they still didn't come. Luckily though, her parents weren't home today and were out of town for a few days.

She stared inside her window as the fire crawled closer towards the window causing the stool she was holding on to, to get hotter and hotter.

Tears trickled down her face as she looked down, considering jumping off her window. It wasn't really that high and she thought that it may be better to break a few bones than burn alive, so she did and jumped with a last sob leaving her mouth.

But then she fell on something or rather someone and it didn't get hurt at all. Marinette peeked an eye open and a sob leaves her lips when she sees Chat Noir.

"Thank you, kitty." She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and buried her head in his neck as her hair whipped behind her in the wind.

The sight of the Eiffel Tower came into view a few seconds later as Chat let Marinette down but then pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.

"You scared me to death Marinette. And don't worry, I called the fire department and they must be putting out the fire by now." He lifted his head to speak but then buried it back in her shoulder as he breathed in her scent.

"Don't ever do that to me again, you understand?" She giggled lightly at him trying to be serious and scratched his ears causing him to purr.

"You're so cute when you're worried." He then sat down crisscrossed and pulled her into his lap.

"Your parents are ok right?" He asked with concern lacing his voice.

"Yeah don't worry. They went out to have a little vacation together for a few days." He let out a sigh and nodded, pulling her closer to him and playing with her hair.

"I love you." Marinette's eyes widen when he said that. They did date for a few months but never did any of them utter these words. But she did think that it was the right thing.

"I love you too my kitty." She kissed his lips. His cat ears raised up as his cheeks flushed red but he kisses back, swooning and melting into her causing her to giggle through their kiss at his behavior.


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