Sing - Adrien x Marinette (Soulmate AU)

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HIIIII I'M BACK! Well kinda, I got the urge to continue this oneshot I stopped on months ago and even though some people might have left, I still want to upload this, so I hope you guys like it and I won't be updating regularly since now I'm 17 and in a higher grade, life is busy so I might update here and there. Either way, I hope enjoy!! :D <3

So I got this idea from a video on TikTok. So here, you can hear your soulmate whenever they sing and only you. No one else can hear it except the soulmates and you will start to hear them when you're 16 so I hope you understood me.

This is written from Adrien's point of view (POV) but it changes a bit so yeah, hope you enjoy it! And please excuse my really bad grammar, its been a while and english isn't my first langage :'D

Warnings: Angst then fluff


Adrien's POV

She stopped singing. She stopped singing for weeks with her beautiful angelic voice. What's wrong? Is she sad? Did something happen to her? Does she hate singing now? A whole array of questions flew through my mind but with no answers whatsoever. Being concerned was an understatement but it had been weeks since the last time my soulmate sang and I could almost sense that there was something wrong.

"Adrien, dude? Adrien!" My head snaps up and I stare at Nino waving his hands in front of my face. I was too into my train of thought that I didn't notice that our class already ended.

"Huh, what?"

"Class ended 3 minutes ago and you weren't responding to me when I called you dude."

"Oh uh, sorry, I was spaced out." I giggled nervously and rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Why? You thinking of your soulmate singing?" Nino wiggled his eyebrows suggestively while I only shook my head with a weak smile.

"Yeah. It's just... she stopped."

"What?" Nino's eyes widen and his mouth falls open in bewilderment.

"Yeah, it's just, I feel like there's something wrong. She always sang. Every day until a few weeks ago she just... stopped." I frowned, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Maybe sing for her?" His lips turned up into a smirk and I stared at him in confusion.

"What? Oh no, I don't sing." I shrug. I sauntered out of the class with Nino following close behind me.

"Oh come on, dude. Maybe she stopped because she wants to hear you sing. You never know." He shrugged. I didn't respond. My mind wandered to what my soulmate could be doing at the moment.

Marinette's POV

I sighed as I got up from my chair and left the class with my bag, not realizing Alya was frowning at me from behind my back as she threw her own bag around her shoulder and jogged toward me to catch me while I kept walking with a gloomy look and my head lost in the clouds. She lightly slapped her hand on my shoulder but I didn't flinch as she went back to talking at a normal pace after catching up with me.

"Girl, you really gotta explain all those depressed looks you have been wearing these past few weeks, what's wrong?" She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to the front of me so she can get a good look at my apparently depressed expression. I lazily shrugged my shoulders and grumbled under my breath as we both left the school gates and started walking down the stairs in front of the school.

Suddenly she was standing in front of me with her hands on my shoulders to stop me and I kept my gaze down at her shoes.

"Marinette. I'm your best friend girl and seeing my best friend looking all depressed like this makes me want to just make me help you but I can't if you don't let me in. I don't want to force you, but you have to know you can confide in me and I will always support you always." My eyes get glassy but I continue staring at her shoes until she sighs and pulls me into a hug long enough for me to pat her back lightly to let her know I'll take her words into consideration.

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