Cheater -Chat Noir x Reader

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I wanted to write another reader Oneshot since I have done only a few till now and came up with this cute idea!

Warnings: A LOT OF FLUFF and a bit of making out in the end ;)

Hope you enjoy it!


Your POV

I sat down on my bed groaning out in boredom. I was all alone at my apartment since I didn't live with anyone really and was going to have a movie night with Chat if it wasn't for a last-second akuma to appear.

Right now, Chat was occupied fighting off the villain with Ladybug and I counted on him not to flirt with her again since we're together and have been for a few months now.

I gasp loudly and leap in my spot on my bed when Chat came crashing inside my room.

"Chat! Are you ok?" I rushed to him and helped him sit up against the wall as he grunted softly and rubbed his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine cookie." I put on the 'really' face and he chuckled and leaped out of the window he came crashing through but not before kissing my forehead.

He's been calling me cookie ever since the incident that happened a few weeks ago when he caught me munching on at least 20 pieces of cookies at 1 in the morning and figured out that I do that at least 2 times a week cause I'm in love with them so much.

Literally, most of the things got broken when Chat got tossed here but then miraculous ladybugs all surrounded my room and everything was restored, making me know that the two superheroes had won once again.

After a few minutes, I went to play Ultimate Mecha Strike 3.

"Hello again, my cookie." I swirl around to face my cat superhero boyfriend and shook my head with a smile at his nickname.

"Hey kitty, wanna play?" I offered him an extra controller I had and he perked up, took it, sat on a chair I had beside me and we started playing.

I was always winning since I was really good at the game and he kept trying to win but lost every time.

"(Y/N) WINS!!" Was shown on the screen and Chat groaned as I laughed and proudly started dancing.

"One more round and I'm gonna win this time!" He exclaimed and I shrugged and sat back down.

"Keep trying, Chat. You will never win against the mighty (Y/n)!" We then played another match and I was winning without an effort until I felt a hot breath on my neck and stiffened.

I heard a low chuckle and shivered as my fingers froze and my character paused. A kiss was placed on my neck and I gasped. Chat took the opportunity to hit my character and I died.

I scoffed and scowled, looking the other way from Chat.

"You cheated!!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No, I didn't!" He smiled mischievously at me and I narrowed my eyebrows in annoyance.

"Yes, you did!"

"Oh come on, cookie, it's just a game." He whined but I still remained indifferent.

"Yeah right," I rolled my eyes.

"Would a kiss help?" He asked with a smirk and I shrugged.

"I dunno, would it?" I whirled my head to look at him over my shoulder but gasped once his lips crashed into mine and he spun my chair to face him and deepened the kiss further causing me to sigh in content.

We broke apart breathing heavily as we made-out for at least a minute or two so air was needed.

"So?" He breathed, "Did it help?" A smile crawled its way on my lips and I nodded, leaning in to steal another kiss from his lips.

Let's just say that we didn't really play the game but... played another one which was more fun you could say.


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