Nuggets -Adrien x Marinette

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I know that the picture says ladybug and chat but I just couldn't resist writing this as Marinette and Adrien😂

This is written in Marinette's point of view (POV) Hope you enjoy!

Warning: Fluffyyy

I'm now in need for chicken nuggets after writing this -.-


I sighed when Adrien kept bugging me about wanting to eat nuggets again while I was on the couch watching a movie.

He kept trying to persuade me to go with him to McDonald's to buy him nuggets and I always refused since today was my day off work and I really wanted to spend it resting on the couch, cuddling up to my husband but he sadly didn't want to and wanted nuggets.

It's like he loved them more than me.

"I want nuggets! Please, princess!!" He begged, clutching onto my arm shaking it and trying to make me give in but I didn't.

"No." I deadpanned and stared at the action scene happening in the movie.

"Pleeeeaseee." He whined.




"I'll spend more time with you if you get me nuggets!" And at that I stared at him with a raised eyebrow, actually considering his words.


"Promise!!" I sigh.

~Magical Timeskip~

"Nuggets, nuggets, nuggets, nuggets, nuggets." Adrien chanted quietly and I groaned internally as we waited in line to order his beloved nuggets.

I wasn't really in the mood for going out but he did promise to spend more time with me so it's a win win for the two of us.

It was finally our turn to order, "What is your order ma'am?"

"I'll have- uh, how many do you want?" I turned to face Adrien.

"FIFTY." I sighed and got out my credit card.

"Fifty chicken nuggets please." I ordered and the young women at the other side of the counter clicked away on the register.

"Ok ma'am, that will cost..."

When I payed and took the paper with the number of our order in it we went to sit on a table for two.

"Thank you so much, princess!!" I shook my head and smiled.

"No problem kitty, but remember that you promised to spend more time with me." I pointed it out and he giggled and shook his head.

"I know, I know."

After a few minutes we got informed that the nuggets are finished and ready to go so both Adrien and I went to take the plastic bag full of nuggets in small boxes.

Adrien drove us back to our home and helped me out of the car, taking the plastic bag of chicken nuggets in his hand since fifty nuggets surprisingly were heavy.

We went into the house and Adrien went running to the kitchen to put the bag on the counter and digged in it to pull out a box and opened it to eat a chicken nugget.

"Happy now?" I folded my arms and tried not to laugh at his mouth full of food.

"Yup." He muffled out and continued to eat happily as I went back to our room to change.

When I finished, I went downstairs and saw Adrien sitting on the couch with at least 7 small boxes filled of chicken nuggets laying on the coffee table infront of the TV and couch with two cups of coke beside them.

"Movie night?" He asked and my face lit up as I nodded and ran towards him, jumping on the couch and cuddling into him.

We then watched movies for the whole night, eating nuggets and having fun together. At least it was worth it since I love nuggets. Who doesn't?


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