Ride -Kagami x Reader

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Requested by FANDOM_mlb_andMORE

This might sound dumb but could you do a Kagami X reader...
Ur working is amazing! Sure and thanks! But do you have any plot? Maybe you missed the bus so she has to give you a ride home after fencing?

This is written from your point of view (POV). Hope this is what you wished for!

Warnings: Only a lil' fluff at the dnd


The school bell rang. What does that mean exactly? Well, let me tell you. Its gonna be my first time leaving on the bus today and I couldn't miss it.

So I ran. No, sprinted is the right word. I was going to be a bit late since the teacher in my last class didn't stop writing on the board and wrote a lot so I had to be quick. But then, I felt the urge to go to the bathroom.

No, no, no, I'll be late... oh screw it! I'll be fast. I thought and ran to the girls' restrooms.

I got out a few minutes after and went to get on my bus but was met with a shocking sight. What sight you may ask? Well, simply that there wasn't any bus in sight, nor was my bus.

"Are you kidding me?!?" I exclaim out in irritation.

"I knew this was going to happen, I knew it! Bad luck is always on my side, it seriously hates me!" I huffed under my breath, stomping my feet on the ground having a little tantrum like a little five-year-old.

"Having trouble?" A voice chuckled from behind me and I jumped up in fright, whirling around only to notice my close friend, Kagami, holding her red bag over her shoulder.

"K-Kagami! Gosh, you scared me!" I laughed lightly, my hand placed on my heart to try and calm my racing heart.

"Anyways, what was that you were doing right before I showed myself?"

"Well, you see uh..." I sigh and let it out, "Today was my first day to go home by bus but I got late cause there was a lot to write in my last class and I had to go to the bathroom right after school finished." I took a deep breath and continued, "And when I arrived at the buses, all of them were gone and there was and still is no sign for my ride back home."

"So you're saying that you don't have a ride home then?" She smiles sheepishly and I rub the back of my neck giggling nervously.

"Yeaaahh..." I drag out the word and look away embarrassed.

"Well, I gotta go by walking now since I have no other choice." I shrug and bid her goodbye and was about to walk away but froze in my tracks when I felt a hand grip my wrist.

I whirled around and glanced down at Kagami's hand still firmly holding my wrist, my eyes trailing up until I met hers.

"Kagami? Something wrong?" I ask puzzled, tilting my head to the side in confusion.

"Want me to give you a ride home?" My eyes widen and I shake my head.

"No, no, no, it's ok! I don't want to disturb." I free my hand from her grip and do air quotes with my hands, protesting. (Like how Adrien moved away from Kagami when they were about to kiss.)

"You won't. And I'm giving you a ride home. End of discussion." I try to protest again but her determined stare and raised eyebrows make me give in, knowing I won't be winning against her.

"Fine." She smiles slightly and we begin our short walk to get to her red car.

We get in and I lay my bag on my lap sitting at the left side of the car's backseats. I hug it close to me, my body starting to slowly get droopy since I didn't get much sleep last night because I was busy studying for my Physics exam.

"Get us to (Y/n)'s apartment please." Kagami speaks to the A.I artificial intelligence in their car and it replies with an 'Ok ma'am' and starts driving us to my apartment.

My head started to slowly drop to Kagami's side but I would instantly lift it up whenever it reached close to her shoulder to not disturb her.

"Tired?" She asked and I nodded mindlessly, not really focusing on what she did next to which she placed her hand on the other side of my head and leaned it down to lay on her shoulder. A small smile appeared on my face as my eyes slowly drooped closed.

"Thanks," I whisper and hear her chuckle lightly as I was taken to dreamland, sleeping peacefully on her shoulder.


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