Ladybugs -Marinette x Witch!Reader

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Requested by Toaster9002

I decide to turn Marinette into an actual ladybug, and I will also turn myself into a ladybug, just to know what it's like. And the superheroes in the canon series was just a dream Marinette had once.

This was actually fun to write! This is written from your point of view (POV). I hope you enjoy it!


Marinette jumped up from her bed and I was shortly by her side to check on her.

"Tikki!?" She blurted out and I eyed her with confusion.

"Tikki? Who's Tikki??" I tilted my head to the side in confusion while her head went from right to left, clearly looking for that 'Tikki'. She directly ignored my question and focused on finding that 'Tikki' and still calling out its name.

"Girl are you okay?" She dismissed me again and continued to entirely tear up her room in search of 'Tikki'.

She then halted and raised her hands to her ears and patted them a couple of times before screaming out in pure fear.

"Where are my earrings?!" I blinked a couple of times with a puzzled face.

"Earrings? Girl, you don't wear earrings." I deadpanned.

"W-What??" Her head whipped around to face me with a horrified expression plastered on her face.

"Girl, what happened to you?" I asked her, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Wait, answer me this." She spoke slowly, stepping towards me. I shrugged, "What is it?"

"Are there any superheroes anywhere?" I shook my head gazing at her with my eyebrows raised in confusion.

"No Ladybug or Chat Noir?" Her lips slid down into a frown when I shook my head, having no idea what or who she's talking about.

"It was all... a dream..." She hanged her head low and dropped on her lounge chair, burying her face in her hands with her elbows resting on her knees.

"What was a dream?" I asked, sitting beside her and placing my hand on her back, starting to rub it slowly and soothingly.

"I just had a crazy dream about me being a superhero and saving Paris with my partner, Chat Noir." She giggled but I could clearly hear the disappointment in her voice and felt sorry for her.

"Hey, maybe I can help?" I tried to cheer her up but she just shrugged.

"How can you help?" She grumbled and lifted her head up to look at me with a pout.

"What superhero were you?"

"Ladybug. The suit was red with black polka dots referring to a ladybug."

"Well, that's easy," I mumbled to myself. "Wait here and don't move alright?" I stood up from the lounge chair and Marinette nodded with her face expressing confusion.

I quickly ran downstairs to their kitchen counter where I put my bag and opened it to see all my supplies are there to do the magical drink that will make Marinette turn into a ladybug just for the fun of it.

I started to work on the drink, putting in some things they already had in their kitchen like sugar, juice just so it could taste delicious and other things I brought with me to make the drink be able to turn someone into a ladybug.

"What are you doing down there (Y/n)!?" Marinette screamed from her room and I instantly stopped what I was doing, turning around and sighing out in relief when I figured out her hatch door was still closed.

"JUST WAIT!!" I screamed back. I returned to the drink and added the last ingredient slowly and quickly ducked my head when a little explosion happened meaning the drink was now ready.

"It's ready!" I exclaimed, starting to pack all my stuff back in my bag and cleaning the little mess I made in their kitchen.

Marinette skipped down the stairs, skipping right to me and standing beside me, looking at the strange-looking drink. She knew I was a witch and was used to me making strange-looking drinks like this.

"What's that?" She asked, leaning down to smell it.

"Why does it smell like orange juice?" She tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Just shut up and drink it." I grinned and handed her the cup. She reluctantly took it and slowly raised it up to her lips.

She drank a sip and I hastily took the cup from her when a red fog surrounded her. I put the cup down on the counter and stared proudly as the little fog disappeared and there stood- well floated- Marinette as a ladybug.

"EEEEEE why am I so small and able to fly!?!?!?" Her little voice squeaked out and I snorted. I took out my small mirror from my pocket and put it in front of her.

"OH MY GOD!!!" She squealed in a little voice and I had to cover my ears or they would bleed.

"I can fly!! Join me (Y/n)!" My eyes widened and I stared at her in shock. "No way!!" I protested, thrashing my arms like a madwoman.

"Oh come on!" she pleaded. "Pleeease?" She flew towards me and circled me continuously, continuing to beg me to join her.

"FINE!!" I finally gave in after a few minutes and she cheered in success.

I reluctantly took a sip of the cup and instantly placed it down on the counter as red fog surrounded me and I was then turned into a little ladybug.

"So? How does it feel?" She asked joyfully, her voice back to normal since I was her size.

"Pretty cool actually," I admitted, performing backflips in the air and flying quickly around the huge looking living room. "Woohoo!!" I exclaimed.

"Let's fly outside!" She said but I was quick to protest.

"No, no, no, and no!" I yelled. She frowned and flew towards me.

"Why not?" She asked sadly.

"Cause what if birds eat us?" I deadpanned.

"Oh..." She looked away dumbly.

"You can fly around the house though." I smiled and she grinned and nodded.

"Let's go!!" She flew towards the front door and we explored the apartment as little ladybugs and had a bit of fun scaring her parents down in the bakery for the day.


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