Pregnant- Felix X Pregnant! Reader

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Requested by Yaoi_Emily

And if its not a bother, i have another idea you could write if you don't like the first one.

Something like a Felix x pregnant Reader. They've been married for 3 years but never talked about kids. But after (Y/n) found out she was pregnant, she paniced. What if he does not want kids? What if he will leave me? Will he hate me? and so on.

She tries to hide everything as long as she could. (Y/n) told adrien, Alya, Marinette, literaly everyone exept Felix.

But he somehow hears Mari, Alya and (Y/ n) talking about it, and storms into the room. He asks, if he heard that right. As she nodded, she didn't expect him to hug her tight and start crying. Felix tells (Y/n), that, right now, he's the happiest man alive. All her doubts are gone and they start a cute little family together. And Felix is such a sweet father.

Im sorry, if there are some grammar issues. English isn't my first languages

Thanks for reading❤️

The request was too long so I only chose the one I wanted to write since I already made like 2 spin the bottle or sleepovers stuff and wanted to change it a little. And ngl I kinda simp for Felix too😭✋🏻 Now let's get on with it!! This is also going to be written from your point of view (POV) so hope you enjoy it!!

Warnings: Slight angst but then flufffff


My breath hitched in my throat at the sight in front of me. I had just taken a pregnancy test, after weeks of morning sickness and going to the doctor, they suggested I take one just in case. I thought it was ridiculous but turns out I'm pregnant.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I slid down to my knees on the bathroom flooring. Felix and I had been married happily for 3 years and never once spoke about having children and the thought of one growing inside me terrified me. The tears running down my face weren't happy ones, but distress.

What if he doesn't want kids and leaves me with the baby... what if he gets mad and divorces me... no. Of course, he wouldn't... right...?

A sob left my mouth and I covered my mouth with my palm. I went to hide the small pregnancy test in my drawer under my clothes and brushed the tears away, deciding on calling Marinette and Alya, needing the comfort of my two best friends.

They arrived after only 15 minutes we all sat in mine and Felix's bedroom. His shift ends at 6 and it was only 5 pm now.

"Hey girl, what's the rush? Anything happened?" Alya sat down on the bed beside me with a concerned expression as did Marinette sitting on the other side of me.

"Is it Felix?" Marinette's face went from concerned to protective and I hung my head low.

"Kind of. He didn't do anything but... I'm pregnant." I mumbled the last part and the girls both gasped, their arms engulfing me in a tight group hug instantly.

"That's amazing! Did you tell Felix?" Alya asked. I shook my head.

"That's the problem. I can't..." I closed my eyes tight, not wanting to be emotional again but I guess it comes with being pregnant.

"Why not? Are you scared he will reject you and the baby?" Marinette softly spoke, her hand rubbing my back comfortingly like a mother to her child. I nodded.

"Yes. We never talked about having children.. ever. If he finds out I'm pregnant now he'll leave me.. and them." I rub my tummy where the little baby is growing inside me. "I'm just scared. Terrified even."

"Hey Felix isn't like that, he won't possibly le-" Alya got cut off by the door slamming open. My head jerked up, my eyes widening in cheer fear when I noticed Felix standing at the doorway of our room with a shocked expression plastered on his face.

"Felix, baby I can explain-" I spoke reluctantly standing up but stiffened when he took large steps towards me, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me tight against him.

"Idiot." He whispered, his face burying in my shoulder as he repeated his words making me grow confused. I noticed Marinette and Alya leave the room and close the door behind them as their steps faded away.


"You thought I would leave you?" His head lifted from my shoulder to face me with a tear escaping his eye. I nodded hesitantly, shivering in his hold as tears sprung into my eyes. He choked back a chuckle and cupped my cheek in his hand, as his thumb rubbed at the tears escaping my eyes. Slowly carressing my face as if it was glass.

Right at that moment when he stared into my eyes, I already knew what his answer will be.

"No, of course I won't leave you. You're an idiot to think I would actually leave you because you're pregnant. In fact, I'm the happiest man to ever live right now." I sobbed and wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in it with tears escaping my eyes and little sobs leaving my lips.

What was I thinking? Of course, he won't leave me. He constantly assured me that he will stay by my side and was never dishonest either.

His hand cupped my chin and he lifted my head up to lay his lips on mine ever so gently. I melted right into it as he held me with his arm around my waist. He broke the kiss after a few seconds and laid his forehead on mine.

"I'll never leave you and our child, all right? Never think of such a thing." He rubbed our noses together softly and I nodded with a sniffle. "I know," I mumbled.

"Also, you look pretty when you cry." He smirked and I hit his chest lightly, turning my head away from him and pouting. He laughed lightly, turned me to face him again, and connected our lips.

"I love you. And the baby and I will protect you both with my life." He mumbled into my lips and another tear slid down my cheek as he gently kissed it.

"I love you too, Felix."

~Magical Time Skip~

The baby fussed and cried, kicking out her legs as her father tried to shush her softly and give her the bottle of milk but she pushed it away stubbornly, her cries continuing in a storm.

Felix tried to calm her but failed to do so. I giggled at the doorway and his head turned to face me, a sigh leaving his lips knowing I was now awake.

"Sorry, I tried to feed her and not wake you, honey." He scowled as the little baby didn't stop weeping. I shook my head with a smile and reached my arms out to take her in my arms, shushing her softly until her cries lessened into little sniffles and whimpers. My husband was displeased at how fast I calmed her down by the clear annoyance on his face.

After giving her the bottle and putting her to sleep I kissed her forehead as did Felix.

"How do you do that?" He whispered with raised eyebrows.

"She just loves me more than you." I joked.

He gave me a deadpan and I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Let's go back to sleep, baby."


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