Water Park -Luka x Marinette

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Sooo I saw this on Instagram and just HAD to write a Oneshot about it XD

This is going to be written from Marinette's point of view (POV). This is also a long one so I hope you enjoy it!!

Warnings: Fluff


"It's so hot," Alya whined, fanning her face with her notebook she brought with her. We were in Juleka's boat-house since we all decided we wanted to get some fresh air in a quiet place and Juleka's home was the option, but sadly, the city has been going through really sunny and hot days for the past couple of days now.

"I know right, I can't breath!!" Alex exclaimed, dramatically falling over.

"Hey, I have an idea! Let's all of us girls have a fun time together at the new Water Park that had newly opened just a few weeks ago!" Rose cheerfully exclaimed out and everyone perked up at the idea.

 We all gazed at each other and smirked. "LET"S DO IT!!!"

"Do what?" A voice spoke from behind me and I freaked out and bumped into the girls and we all tumbled down with a yelp.

"Mylene, g-get off... of me. You're crushing... me." Alex wheezed out and Mylene quickly apologized and jumped up, helping Alex up in the process.

"It's okay," Alex said, stretching out her arms.

"L-Luka!?" I exclaim with wide eyes, feeling my face turn red. All of it since I had a massive crush on the guy.

"Hey, Marinette." He giggled at my surprised face and I internally swooned from the inside.

"We were thinking of going to that new water park that opened just a while ago." Alya shrugged, glancing at me with a smirk, knowing my big crush on the guitarist.

"Can I join? It's really hot these days and I would like a day to the pool." He shrugged.

"Of course you can! You know what? Let's invite all the boys too!" Alya exclaims and everyone agrees with her.

"So it's settled! We will meet at the water park tomorrow since it's gonna be Friday!" Everyone nods and agrees and they continue to discuss what we will be doing tomorrow and that we will have so much fun.

"Hey Mari, I wanted to ask you something for a while," Luka asked approaching me and I felt my face flame up.

"Y-Yeah?" I stuttered.

"Would you-" He then suddenly gets cut off by Alya abruptly wrapping her arms around both our shoulders and pulling us in towards her.

"Sorry for interrupting lovebirds but we girls gotta go and buy swimsuits for tomorrow since we gotta have everything ready you know. Let's go!" She then lets us go but then clutches my wrist and pulls me towards the other girls waiting to go.

I looked back to Luka and noticed him frowning a bit while rubbing the back of his head. I was about to tell Alya that he wanted to tell me something but was too late since we already began to walk with the other girls.

While they were all engaged in a conversation on what they were going to wear, my mind wandered off to what Luka was going to tell me making me grow curious.

"Girl? GIRL!!!" I yelped after I got thrown out of my train of thoughts and whirled my head around to face the one who had abruptly cut me off of my daydream.

"Hu- what?!" I faced Alya with a perplexed expression on my face.

"I was asking you what you were gonna wear for tomorrow to impress you know who." She wriggled her eyebrows teasingly and I looked at her confused.

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