Rejected -Chat Noir x Reader

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I came up with this idea when I saw this beautiful art and thought 'why not?' So here it is! It is written from the third person's point of view (POV). Hope you enjoy it! ^-^

Warnings: Angst...


Chat sat on the small roof he decorated for his lady and waited for Ladybug's arrival, his hope of her coming slowly fading away after hours of waiting passed.

He asked her on a date and was currently waiting with all the candles that he had settled all around the roof's railings. His frown started to deepen with all the time going to waste and no Ladybug arriving.

But then a (Y/h/c) haired girl spotted the cat superhero on the roof of the building right beside her apartment and attempted to look closer, noticing that he was sitting on the ground Indian style with his head hung low.

She was just taking in the breeze of Paris's beautiful evening, just letting her thoughts run free in her mind.

I'm so glad I'm on the top floor or else I wouldn't have spotted him. She thought.

She then looked around her and saw the fire escape stairs right in front of her window and climbed out, proceeding to climb down and headed to the fire escape of the building Chat Noir was at.

What am I doing, what am I doing, what am I doing!?

She gulped once she made it to the top of the building and peaked her head over the roof slightly and gazed at Chat Noir. She felt bad for him and in a way, wanted to comfort him.

"Chat Noir?" She squeaked out, causing the blonde to whip his head around to face the girl he thought was his date but sighed in disappointment when he saw it was only a random Parisian.

"Oh, uh- hey..." He mumbled, not feeling like looking at her or anyone at the moment.

"Is everything ok, Chat Noir?" Concern laced her voice and he shook his head.

"Everything's f-fine..." He mumbled.

"I know it's not. I saw you from my window and wanted to comfort you." She spoke genuinely with a sad smile on her lips.

"I don't need comfort." He scoffed causing her eyes to widen slightly at his sudden change of behavior.

"Its okay, Chat Noir. I think I know what's going on. Did someone reject you?" His eyes widen and he stared at her with narrowed eyebrows.

"How did you know?" He growled.

"I just... do." She shrugged, "I just know when someone is hurt or rejected. It's just... out of experience I guess..." She shrugged with a small smile.

He huffed, "Well, I still don't need comfort." She watched at how he took out his staff and leaped away, leaving her to her own thoughts on the roof.

She looked down and spotted a red rose lying in the place where Chat Noir was sitting at. She sauntered towards it and gently took it in her hand, admiring the pretty rose.

She sighed sadly and looked up at where Chat Noir leaped away.

"If only you knew I was trying to help you..."


Part 2?

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