Purr -Chat Noir x Marinette

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The thought of Chat purring is so cute!! Especially that he did purr in an episode!! I just can't stop myself right now but to write this!! XD

Warning: Fluffyy

This is also going to be in Marinette's point of view (POV) Hope you enjoy!


I grumbled, flopping onto my bed with a groan. I didn't know what to do this Saturday and was finally free to do anything I wanted without any schoolwork or homework but the thing is, I didn't know what I wanted to do.

I tried to make cupcakes but I wasn't in the mood. Tried to watch a TV show but there were non I liked. Tried to watch a movie but didn't feel like it, tried to draw but still didn't feel inspired. I even tried to listen to some music but I was still bored and out of ideas.

"What's wrong Marinette?" Tikki asks me and I turn towards her to face her and grumbled out, "I don't know what I should do Tikki and I'm so boooredd." I whined and flopped my face back on my pillow.

"Maybe call someone to hang out with?" She suggested and I grumbled out a 'no'.

And then I yelped when a knock sounded right above my head, causing me to accidentally hit my head a bit too hard on the trap window making me groan and rub my head in a way to soothe the pain that started to grow. There's definitely going to be a bruise there.

I open the trap window and scowl at the one and only Chat Noir standing in front of me, rubbing his neck and giggling nervously, obviously hearing and seeing what just happened.

"Hey princess, I'm sorry I scared you." He blushed and hanged his head low, a frown slowly itching it's way to his lips.

I softened when I saw his frown and ears drooping and pulled him inside and into a hug, closing the trap door behind him going back to hug him right after.

"It's ok, kitty. You didn't know." I then rubbed his head and between his cat ears and then felt him purr and quickly pulled away, seeing a blush growing on his cheeks.

"You can purr!?" I exclaimed with wide eyes.

"N-No!!" He tried to go away but I tackled him down before he could and rubbed his cat ears this time, while I was laying on his back with his stomach on the bed.

"Purrr-" He tried to shut his mouth but I still felt the vibrations of the purr through his body and awed.

"You're so cute when you purr!!! Ahhh!!!" I fangirled and continued to rub his ears, going back to his head, purrs still coming out of him.

"S-Stop ittttt." He whined, his face and the tip of his ears all covered in red as he tried to get off from under me.

"No!! You're so cute!!!" He groaned.

Let's just say that Chat wouldn't be hearing the end of this for weeks.


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