Birthday -Adrien x Reader

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I put a pole on my Instagram story seeing if people wanted a special Birthday Oneshot since my birthday is today and everyone voted yes so here it is!! Hope you enjoy!

(Y/F/B): Your favourite breakfast
(Y/C): Your country or city

Warnings: Fluff


Your POV

I groan when a bright light hits my eyes and I open them only to close them again the second sunlight reached my eyes, causing me to groan and pull the sheets over my head.

And then, I remember that today's my birthday and jump out of my bed and pick up my phone from my night stand to see the date and it really is birthday.

"It's my birthday!!!" I exclaim and run to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After I'm done and had taken a quick shower, I sprint towards the living room in my small apartment to eat a quick breakfast of (Y/F/B).

I lived alone in my flat since my college is in Paris and my parents are still living in our home in (Y/C).

After I'm done eating, I sling my bag over my shoulder, walking out of my apartment to head towards my car. I put the key in the keyhole and start the engine, starting to drive towards my college.

~Magical Timeskip~

Ok what's going on?

I thought, having no idea why everyone had been ignoring me. Yes, I had been ignored by everyone today to the point that I'm starting to think they forgot about my birthday.

I know that maybe they're doing it on purpose to surprise me or something but I didn't really feel like they were doing that. I didn't really want to get my hopes up.

It's now lunch and I was on my way to the table I usually sit in with my group of friends containing Marinete, Luka, Alya, Nino and Adrien.


I thought dreamily.

Yes, I had a massive crush on him but was too much of a chicken to admit my feelings. We both were literally the only single ones in our group since Alya was with Nino and Marinette with Luka.

"Hey guys-" I tried to get in their conversation but only to get cut off by Alya, "And did you know about that video of that dancing cat that had gone viral!?"

Everyone agreed and started to get engaged in more conversations while there was me who wasn't able to even speak a word without getting ignored or cut off.

The bell then rang and everyone got their things, ready to head towards their lockers to get their stuff. I scowled a bit then sighed and went to head towards my locker.

This lunch just reminded me of the old days where I got ignored or cut off whenever I tried to speak with a group of friends. I was really stupid for thinking they saw me as a friend.

~Another Magical Timeskip~

I saw a store that had sweets, donuts, cakes and literally everything that is sweet and filled with sugar when I was in my car heading towards my apartment.

"It's my birthday right? Why not go buy myself a never ending box of sweets? Yum." I licked my lips, just imaging the sweet taste of donuts in my mouth.

And so I turned my car to head towards the small store and parked right infront of it. I got out of the car, locked it and went into the store, the bell above the entrance door ringing when I entered.

"Hello young lady, how can I help you?" A nice looking old lady asked me standing behind the counter.

"Well it's my birthday today and what better way to celebrate it by buying some donuts?" I giggled. She laughed and shook her head.

"Happy birthday then! Here's the donuts in every flavour so pick your favourite, dear." She gestured towards the donuts, all lined up under the counter with only glass separating me from the delicious treats.

I bid the lady goodbye, walking back to my car with a big paper bag that had all the donuts I ordered in a big box.

I enter my car and lay the bag gently on the passengers seat, turning the car back on and heading back to my apartment.

When I'm infront of my door I go to take my keys but then feel my phone vibrating in my jeans back pocket and go to grab it answering the call. However, not giving a glance to the caller ID and balancing it between my ear and shoulder, going to take out my keys to unlock my door.

"Hey sweety!" I then smiled when I recognised the voice. My mom had called me.

"Hey mom." I cheerfully spoke, opening my door only to be met with complete darkness. I go to turn on the light and nearly jump out of my skin at the sudden shouts of people.


My free hand flies towards my mouth and tears will up in my eyes when I take a glance at the sight infront of me. Streamers, balloons, cupcakes and other foods were all laid out on the table with the balloons being every where in my apartment.

"You guys..." I trailed off and everyone laughed at my reaction.

"Aww, they already surprised you." I heard my mom wail on the other side of the phone and shook my head with a huge smile on my face.

"Happy birthday honey! My gift was sent to you and it's with a friend of yours! Have fun, sweety!" I cocked an eyebrow in confusion and took the phone away from my ear only to see Adrien standing there, infront of me with a small box in his hand.

"This is a gift from your mom," I took it and Adrien being the gentleman he is, got a hold of my plastic bag of donuts, laying it down on the table with the rest of the sweets.

I opened it and gasped at the sight of a beautiful golden necklace with the first letter of my name dangling from it.

"Here let me help you," Adrien spoke and took the wrapped up box putting it on the table and taking the necklace from my hands gently.

I tun around, and move my hair from behind my neck so he can click the necklace in and I stare at it in awe. (If you have short hair then just forget about moving your hair aside XD)

"Thank you guys so much for this!! I love you all!" I turn around and everyone chuckled and laughed and when I spread my arms for a group hug, everyone came rushing into it.

"I also have a confession to make, (Y/n)," Adrien's shy voice separated us all from the big group hug and I was then facing my crush.

"What is it Ad- hmph!!" I gasped in surprise when his lips crashed into mine and I smiled into it and kissed back as I heard everyone cheering in the background.

"I like you, more like love you even." Adrien shyly hanged his head low and I smiled, placing my hand on his chin to face me.

"I love you too, you dork." I giggled and kissed him again. This was the best birthday surprise ever.


Happy birthday to all of you too! If it's late or early, I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and hope you enjoyed this Oneshot!!! <3

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