Kidnapped -Criminal!Chat Noir x Marinette

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Requested by RandyNetwork4

There's no Ladybug, Marinette is grown, Adrien's in love with her (Reverese Crush).

Cat Noir is known for kidnapping people for ransom but he kidnaps her for her to ask her to date/marry him, but she refused and Cat Noir makes a wager: if she falls in love with him by the end of the day, she gets to pick the arrangements, if she doesn't, he will force the mayor to set up the wedding/date. Sound good? (It's slow burn)

Warning: Kidnapping (duh)

That's my first time writing something like this so if there is something wrong, please forgive me >_< And I couldn't really add the sin into it since they had just met and if I add it to it, it will be raping and I don't really like to write that kind of stuff so I'm really sorry. This Oneshot is also going to be done in Marinette's Point of view (POV) Hope you enjoy!


I sighed when another news of the famous criminal Chat Noir was shown yet again on the news, saying that he had kidnapped and hurt another Parisian found beaten up in an alleyway. The Parisian also claimed that Chat Noir had stolen his money.

He doesn't stop, does he?

I then noticed my phone ringing and went to pick it up to see Alya calling me. I picked it up.

"Hey girl!"

"Hey, Alya! What's up?"

"Ready for our girls night out?" She asked excitedly. Oh, I forgot about the girls night out. Alya and I were going out today to the cinemas and were coming back home right after watching the movie since we had to be careful about Chat Noir.

I wouldn't lie and say that he wasn't good looking but he was a criminal for god's sake!

"Yeah! I'm getting ready now!" I balance my phone between my shoulder and ear as I go into my closet looking for clothes. I live alone in my apartment as I am now 23 and a responsible young adult.

"Ok girl, meet you at the theatre! See ya!"

"See ya Alya!" I then hang up and throw my phone on the bed and head over back to my closet.

"Hmm, yeah this is a good one," I mumble and take out the outfit I want. {Top pic}

When I finish getting dressed, I walk towards my full body mirror and nod with a smile, pleased by my outfit for tonight.

I put my phone in my jeans back pocket and walk outside my apartment and lock the door and head towards the elevator.

~Magical Timeskip~

"Woah! That movie was amazing! It had a lot of action!!" Alya exclaimed to me as we walked out of the theatre room.

"Yeah, it was! I loved that movie." She nodded. We then said goodbye to each other and I then was on my way to a cab.

But before I could really comprehend what's happening, a strong weight falls on my head and next thing I know, everything turned black.

~Another Magical Timeskip~

I groaned as my eyes opened to a bright light being shot in my eyes the moment I opened them. I sat up and rubbed my head looking around me to notice that I wasn't in my room nor a hospital one.

"Where am I?" I mumble as horror slowly starts to eat me up.

"You're awake my princess!" My head whips around only to see a silhouette of a person standing in the dark corner of the room.

"Who are you? And why am I here? And why did you call me your princ-"

I gasp when the silhouette of that person moves swiftly towards me and lays a hand on my mouth shutting me up.

"You ask a lot of questions purrincess." A voice purred in my ear and I shivered as the voice had a hint of softness but roughness at the same time.

"I asked you questions. Then answer them." I stuttered out quietly when the person removed their hand from my mouth.

"Well, I'm your handsome criminal Chat Noir." My eyes widened but I stayed calm. Well tried.

"You didn't answer my other two questions."

"Look here princess, I found you and thought of how pretty and gorgeous you are and thought of sparring you,"

I was going to open my mouth to speak but got interrupted when his pointer and middle finger touched my lips, "Shh, let me continue."

"Be my girlfriend, and I'll spare you. Be not, and I'll think of what to do to you." He whispers the last sentence and stands up beside the bed and looks down at me with his arm crossed over his broad chest.

"I'll never be a criminal's girlfriend." I spit out at him, anger shown on my expression.

I was shocked though when he let out a small laugh and wiped out an imaginary tear, "I knew that wouldn't work. So for plan B, lets do a bet. If you fall in love with me at the end of this day, you'll be my girlfriend. And if you don't, then I'll force the mayor to set out a date or maybe even a wedding for us. And don't even think of doing anything funny since I have powers which can turn someone to dust just when I touch them."

He threatened as he looked at me with threatening eyes. I gulped and nodded.

He then picks up a tray that had a plate of bacon and eggs and a glass filled with juice, he laid it down on my lap as I gaped softly it.

"Your breakfast. Can't leave you starving now do I?" He chuckled softly and I blush at his laugh. Looks like it wasn't really going to take long until I give in to him. He didn't seem bad to me at all, but acted kind to me and even spent a few minutes preparing me food to eat.

People always judge someone only because of their looks and not who they truly are from the inside. Yup, I already like him. Oh god. What I didn't know, was my beautiful future coming on my way where I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng married the handsome criminal Chat Noir.

And I liked it.


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