What's up profile -Adrien x Reader

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I'm keeping this chapter gender neutral so it's for everyone to enjoy! You and Adrien are also together here! Hope you enjoy!

Warning: Extra fluffy, heated make out, talk of sex and punishments

(Y/f/s): Your favourite show


Your POV

I sat down on the couch and sighed out in boredom. I just came back home from going out with my friends and I'm already feeling bored and exhausted.

Adrien was still modeling and doing photo shoot sessions until 8 tonight since he was busy today. I kept going through the photos I took today with my friends and came across a picture I took right under a street light in a park.

Half of my face looked shaded and the other was shown with my lips being straight like I was doing a photo shoot or something.

It really did look like out of a magazine in my opinion and I thought of putting it as my What's up profile picture since I never do put pictures of myself but rather put ones of memes and stuff but why not the change.

So I did, and changed my profile to the picture. I thought of texting Adrien to see if he may notice the picture and opened his profile to send him a message.

You: Hey model boy :)

(Your name for him): Who's that sexy person I see in the photo hmm? ;)

You: Oh shut up, I'm not sexy but I'm rather faaaar from it -.-

(Your name for him): Yeah right, I'm going to have to punish you for thinking that and make you know that you're amazing ;)

I gulp. What does he mean by punish? (I'M SORRY BUT YOU'RE INNOCENT AF HERE)

You: What do you mean? Are you going to hit me...

(Your name for him): Oh and I'm gonna do a lot more ;)

(Your name for him): Gotta go now babe. Love you <3

You: Love you too <3

I then quickly throw my phone on the other side of the couch and blush a crimson red cause he called me sexy.

My mind then goes back to the text he texted me about punishing me. What did he really mean by that though? Is he going to not let me eat chocolate for a week?

Or is he not going to sleep with me knowing I get scared when I sleep alone...

I then shook my head and tried to get rid of the thoughts going freely in my mind and got up to go take a shower.

~Magical Timeskip~

I was now back on the couch with only a thin shirt and sweatpants watching my favourite show called (Y/f/s).

After a few minutes, I heard the front door unlock and open and in walked my boyfriend.

"Hey Adrien!" I stood up and kissed him on the cheek, really hoping he forgot about the punishment.

"Hey cutie. Now, about that punishment I was talking about." He smirked and pulled me closer by the waist making me blush.

"W-what are y-you going to do?" I stammered, blushing a crimson red when he answered.

"This," And then his lips came crashing into mine making me squeal but I kiss back after a few seconds, melting in his arms when his tongue sneakily slid inside my mouth causing me to let out a quiet moan.

"Do you think you're good looking?" He asked huskily when he broke the kiss, our noses literally an inch away from touching.

"No, I'm ugly." I frowned and looked away.

I then felt his index finger and thumb grip my chin making me look at him.

"You're not. Why do you think I love you then? You're amazing, beautiful, sexy inside and out and I'm going to prove it to you right here, right now." And then his lips went down to my neck and started leaving kisses.

After that night, I was sure to know what punishment he meant and I didn't mind it one bit.


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