Valentine's Day -Adrien x Marinette

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Requested by @lele_oso on Instagram!

Valentine's day
Adrien x marinette

This is written in Marinette's point of view (POV). I hope this is what you wished for!

Warnings: None but only a lil' fluff at the end ^-^


"I can't do it Alya!!" I cry, burying my face in my hands and groaning out in annoyance.

Alya just facepalms as I sat on my lounge chair, whining at how much I was of a chicken to confess to Adrien tomorrow on Valentine's day.

"Girl, you should woman up and go confess already. Tomorrow is Valentine's day and its the perfect opportunity to confess!!" 

"I can't woman up, Alya." I whined, putting emphasis on the 'woman up'.

"I can barely even speak when he's around me. How can you expect me to confess!?" I exclaim with wide eyes.

She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "Marinette, answer me this. Would you like it if Lila or Chloe or even Kagami, be Adrien's valentine and not you?" She raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms over her chest.

"WHAT!? Of course not!!" I cry with eyes as wide as a plate.

"Then you will have to go ask him out or something tomorrow before any girl goes first." Alya deadpans. I frown and hang my head low.

"But what if he rejects me..." I murmur, gazing down at my hands laying on my lap like they were the most interesting things on the planet.

Alya smiles and gently lays a hand on my shoulder, "If he does, then he isn't worth it. You should face your fear and go and defeat it! Trust me girl, you won't regret it." I look up at her and a small smile crawls its way to my lips.

"Ok. I'll face my fear and confess to him tomorrow!" I stand up, feeling brave.

"That's my girl!"

~Magical Time Skip~

"I can't do it..." Alya facepalms.

"Girl I-" She sighs and shakes her head.

We were currently hiding behind the stairs in front of the school and Nino was now chatting with Adrien, waiting with him for Adrien's ride to arrive.

"Girl I'm sorry but like, I've had enough-" Before I can do anything, I was pushed from behind the stairs and bumped into Adrien.

And you can guess what else happened... yeah, we fell and I landed on top of him, my head hitting his chest.

I blinked but rapidly got off of him, apologizing while helping him up.

"I'm really sorry Adrien!!! I-I didn't mean it!!!" I stammered, feeling my cheeks going on fire.

"Its ok, Marinette." He giggled lightly and brushed himself off of the dust.

"Are you ok though? Did you get hurt?" He asked with concern lacing his voice.

Someone please hold me, I think I might faint-

"Marinette!" My eyes snapped to his and I nodded.

"Y-Yeah! I'm bad- I MEAN I'M GOOD!!" I frail my arms out in uneasiness and give him a nervous smile.

He sighs out in relief and smiles at me, "Good." I take a deep breath and notice Alya waving at me and pointing at Adrien then me, and then drawing a heart shape with her hands.

"U-Um Adrien?" He gazes at me and I prepare myself mentally.

"Could you g-g-go on a date with m-me?"

I then notice his cheeks flush, while he gulps. "S-Sure, Marinette!" My smile widens.

"Yay! Then uh- today at 7 in the um-" I trailed off not really sure where to go for the date since I thought he would reject me.

"What a-about the cinema?" I stutter out.

"Sure!" And then Adrien's drive arrives and he kisses my cheek before he saunters to his car, leaving me speechless and bewildered.

~Another Magical Time Skip~

"He kissed my cheek!!!" I shout, literally jumping off the walls of my room in excitement.

"Yeah ok! You have been saying that for the past hour!" Alya groaned, facepalming with a small smile on her lips.

She was happy for me but I really annoyed her by all my babblings about how Adrien and I will marry in the future and how we would have three beautiful children and a hamster named-

"MARINETTE!!" I yelped, jumping up in pure fright at Alya's outburst.

"You have done it again!"

What did I do aga- oh. "I was talking out loud wasn't I?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Yes you were." She deadpanned. I giggled nervously.

"Now, before I go on my date with Nino, lets choose a dress for you to wear!" I gulped.

~Anooother Magical Time Skip~

I took a deep breath as I walked out from my home, wearing my short pink dress and stepping outside, glancing at Adrien standing besides his black car (limousine?) with a cute smile on his lips.

"I should have brought you all this and picked you up since I'm the one who asked you but look now, you're the one picking me up." I giggle shyly and hear him giggle lightly, opening up the door for me.

"Oh but its the gentleman's duty to serve his date now am I right?" He smiles mischievously and takes my hand, helping me into the car as I feel my blush creeping up my face.

"Y-Yeah..." He gets in the car behind me and closes the door behind him.

I then notice his body guard in the driver's seat and as he started up the car and we were on our way to the cinema.

After we arrived, there seemed to be a lot of couples around the cinema and I even noticed some girls look at Adrien but then glare over at me. They look away though as soon as their boyfriends or dates talk to them.

Wow. I thought sarcastically.

"What do you wanna watch Marinette?" I whip my head around to face Adrien and give him a confused face.

"I-I don't know..." I looked down at my hands playing with them as my voice trailed off.

"Let's watch that new movie, Spies In Disguise? What about it?" I perked up at the thought and nodded my head.

We paid for the movie -well Adrien did and didn't let me pay- and went to watch it.

Adrien and I may have cuddled a bit during the movie and I may or not have cuddled closser to him once a sad scene came on but he felt warm. It wasn't my fault!

After we finished, we sat outside in the park beside the cinema on a bench, just gazing put at the stars that are slowly getting more visible by the time.

"It's... beautiful." I breathed.

"You're more beautiful though." I snap my head to Adrien and see him gazing into my eyes with love and leans in, his hand cupping my cheek.

"Can I?" He breathed. "Y-Yes..." And his lips were all I could feel in this beautiful night.


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