Croissants -Marinette x Chat Noir

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Requested by @lele_oso on Instagram!

Marinette X Chat Noir

This is written in Chat's/Adrien's point of view (POV). This was too fun to write and it's also a bit cliché so yeaaah, I hope this is what you wished for! Enjoy!

Warnings: Flufff


I plopped down on my bed with a frustrated groan leaving my lips.

I had just finished eating dinner alone and it was horrible since I was really craving Croissants right now but of course knew better than to ask my father since he wouldn't even care or pay attention to me nevertheless.

"I want to eat croissants." I whined on to my pillow, my voice getting muffled.

"Then go to Marinette's bakery! She may have delicious cheese." He daydreamed and I thought about it.

"I'll go as Chat!" I exclaimed, standing up from my position on the bed, proudly.


"I'll get you delicious camembert~" I sing-songed and he looked like he wa fighting with himself until he let out a sigh and gave in.

"Fine. But you better get me that cheese!" I nod.

"Got it. Plagg, Claws out!!"

~Magical Timeskip~

I landed on the roof of a random building close to Marinette's bakery-house and noticed her just standing there on her balcony basking in the warm weather of the beautiful Paris evening.

She looks so peaceful and pretty...

I stood there, just admiring her from afar but then quickly noticed how creepy it sounded for me to just stare at her like that and decided on finally making an appearance and jumped down the roof and landed behind her.

"Well hello there my beautiful princess~" She jumped, whirling around quickly and holding onto her balcony's railings with a horrified expression on her face.

"C-Chat!! You scared me!!" She clutched onto her chest taking in deep breaths out of shock.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Its ok, kitty, you didn't know. But anyway, what are you dong here at this hour? Shouldn't you be patrolling the city or spending time with your family?" I stiffened at the mention of family but gulped it away.

"I uh- didn't really have time with my f-family and um- just felt lonely a bit..." My voice trailed off as I looked at everything except Marinette.

Marinette seemed to notice what happened since she started to throw apologies at me but then I heard something interesting come out of her mouth, "Would crossiants help you??"

"Maybeeee..." I smiled wildly and rose my head up to meet her eyes and she giggled once she saw the glint in my eyes and proceeded to shake her head with a small smile plastered on her face.

"Okie dokie then! Come in, its getting chilly up here." She shivered and stalked towards her trap window proceeding to jump in as I jumped in right after her and closed the trap window behind me.

"My parents aren't home at the moment so its safe for you to come downstairs!" I nodded to her and followed her downstairs.

She opened up a cabinet and I saw her taking out a plastic bag out and close the cabinet door shut.

"Come on, lets go back to my room, the croissants are with me~" She sing-songed and waved the bag in front of my face then sprinted off to her room as I then followed right after her, both of us shrieking out in laughter.

She jumped down on her lounge chair and I jumped in right after her, cuddling close to her as she giggled when my hair tickled her neck.

"Kitty s-stop it!!" She laughed as I then started to tickle her tummy while she extended her arm holding the plastic bag of croissants away from me.

"You have to give me the croissants first!!" I exclaimed, continuing to tickle her mercilessly.

"O-Ok, ok!! I'll g-give you them j-just please s-s-stop!!!" Smiling proudly at my win, I stop tickling her and she scowls jokingly while handing me the bag of croissants.

"Aww, here you can have some with me!" She perked up at the idea and dug her hand in the bag to get herself a croissant.

"Oh! Lets watch movies!!" She exclaims and I nod with a smile. She gets her computer and we sat on her lounge all cuddled up, watching the movie with our bag of croissants.

Lets just say that I forgot about Plagg's camembert and didn't live it down.


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