Saved -Chat Noir/Adrien x Marinette

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Requested by @anthi_tsakiridou58 on Instagram!

I don't know if you like this idea but:marinette walks on her way home talking with Tikki, it was the night that cat noir had to patrol so she didn't had anything to do, suddenly 4 men get in front of Marinette, they wanted to stole her bag and they manage to do it because one was holding a gun and the other three were holding knifes, well the one cut her hand with the knife and marinette fell down moaning in pain then the other one took her bag and the other gave a punch to marinette to leave her unconscious. Fortunately Tikki managed to escape and was there with marinette trying to wake her up. 30 minutes passed and it was getting really dark but then cat noir was jumping on the roofs and he saw her lying down unconscious, he went to her and saw that her hand was bleeding badly so she needed help immediately. He then slowly pick her up (bride style) and took her to his home to treat her. I don't know If this is too much it just popped to my head and I thought to tell you. You can continue it if you want with your ideas

Warning: Mentions of Guns, knifes, cuts, blood and fainting.

This is also going to be a long one too! Hope it's what you wished for! Enjoy!


Marinette's POV

I sigh in relief and a smile crawls it's way on my lips when I found the perfect dress desgin for Alya. She had asked me if I was able to make her a dress for the prom party coming up after a month and I gladly agreed to help her since she wasn't able to find the one she wanted.

I put my phone in my pocket and place my doodle book and pencils in my back pack, swinging it over my shoulders and getting up from the bench I was doodling on in the park.

I decided on coming to the park since I always get inspired to draw around here. I make sure everything's with me and then get up to head home since it was getting late.

"Do you think its good Tikki?" I asked Tikki quietly so no one would be suspicious and she pokes her head out of my purse.

"What do you mean Marinette?" She squeaked out tilting her head in confusion.

"About the doodle of Alya's dress. What if she doesn't like it? Or what if it's not going to turn out good? Or what if-"

"Calm down Marinette. It's going to be ok, The dress is going to be amazing!"

"You really think so?" I asked with a small frown and headed towards an alleyway. I always used that alleyway as a shortcut to reach my home quicker but I didn't notice that it was night time and was too into the conversation with Tikki to notice four men coming my way.

Tikki quickly rushed into the bag confusing me and making me look up only to see four men infront of me, three holding knifes and one with a gun.

"Hello there little girl. Now, give us all you got and we'll be on our way and no one will be hurt." My eyes widened. I was about to make a run for it and run away but just when I tried to turn around and run, a knife cut through my wrist making me scream out in pain.

"The hard way it is." I was then forced down on my knees and a gun was pointed at my temple as I whimpered from the pain in my wrist. Blood was quickly oozing out and I was slowly losing consciousness because of blood loss.

My bag was roughly taken away from me and the men started to search through it but when they didn't find anything they just cursed and threw the bag away on the ground.

"You're not useful to us." The man holding the gun scoffed and punched me and that was the last thing I saw and felt before falling unconscious on the ground.

Tikki's POV

"Marinette!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with concern as I flew towards my owner laying unconscious on the ground after the four men went away.

"Marinette? Please wake up!" I frowned and hugged her cheek as a tear slipped from my eye.

I then sensed someone getting close and quickly hid inside Marinette's jacket.

Chat Noir's POV

I was patrolling the city this night as it was my turn today. Jumping over roofs, I realised I was at a dark side of the city where most kidnappings and other crimes take place.

Just when I was about to get out of the area, I heard a loud pained moan indicating someone got hurt and then I was on my way to the person but when I arrived I was too late since the silhouette of the person was already passed out on the ground with no trace of the person who did this.

I came closer and gasped when the person came into view revealing Marinette to me.

"No." I let out with wide eyes and run towards her, I see her bag laying on the ground to my left and her doodle book to my right with her purse thrown away a few feet infront of me.

I hurriedly placed my index and middle finger on the back of her wrist and sighed in relief when the soft drums of her heart were felt through my fingers.

I quickly took her bag and placed her things scattered around it all in and with the purse. I swinged the bag over my shoulder and held her up bridal style and jumped onto a roof, starting to head towards my home.

My father, Nathalie and even my bodyguard were luckily out of the city for a whole week and I was surprised that my father trusted me on being alone at home.

This was also perfect since no one was going to question why I had an injured girl in my room. When I arrived, I laid her down on my small white couch and de-transformed.

"I need cheeeeeseee." Plagg whined and flew tiredly towards my bed falling on it in the process.

"There's cheese on the desk Plagg. I'm going to get the first aid kit." I exclaimed and went inside my bathroom quickly finding the first aid kit and running back to Marinette.

I treated her wrist which was now dried and cleaned it to make sure it doesn't get infected with the antibiotic ointment. I bandaged up her hand and wrist and made sure it was secure before putting everything back in the first aid kit and laying it on the coffee table.

I sat down beside Marinette and ran my hand through my hair letting out a sigh.

"Come on, wake up and show me you're ok." I whispered with a frown on my lips while I was staring down at her sleeping form.

And as if she heard me, her eyes opened up slowly and she groaned softly her good hand going up to hold her head.

"W-what happened? A-A-Adrien?" Her eyes widened when she saw me and I quickly put my hands on her shoulders and helped her sit up with her back on the couch.

"Yeah. Chat Noir uh-found you unconscious on the ground with your things all around and brought you here so I could t-take care of you." I giggled nervously, really hoping she believes me.

She nods and frowns deeply, "Hey, what's wrong?" I lay a hand on her thigh and gently squeeze it in reassurance.

I see her blush but mumbles out, "It's just... I-I was s-scared..." Her voice trailed off and if it wasn't for my room being so quiet I didn't think I would have heard her at all.

"It's ok. You're here now. There's nothing to be afraid of." I pulled her in for a hug and she hugged me back tightly, her face burried in my neck.

Later on, I felt tears stain my neck and rubbed her back softly, pulling her a bit closer to me. I'm so glad I came in time or else... I didn't even want to think of what could have possibly happened if I didn't come in time but I was glad I did.


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