Beach - Adrinette and DJWIFI

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This is written from Marinette's point of view (POV). I hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: Fluff


"Girls!!!" Nino yelled out from the other side of the door of Alya's bedroom. "You done yet!? You have been in there for a whole hour!" He annoyingly exclaimed.

Alya and I giggled with our hands on our mouths. He's been doing this for the past half hour since Alya and I were taking longer to get ready to go out with Adrien and Nino to the beach today since I was nervous about which swimsuit I should pick.

I had the clothes that I was going to wear on top of my swimsuit prepared but was still struggling to choose a swimsuit to wear from the three I bought with Alya today.

"Girl you better choose quick cause the boys are getting impatient and this sunny day will go to waste if you don't hurry up," Alya said, plopping on her sunglasses and pulling them up to rest on her head like a hairband.

"Uhh..." I trailed off, looking at the three options laid out in front of me on the bed. There was a red one-piece swimsuit, a light pink bikini that had flowers drawn on it as a design, and another plain black bikini.

"Pick the pink one. It suits you." She shrugged, laying a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you sure it would look good? I mean, what if Adrien thinks I look ridiculous in this?!" I wave my arms in the air in a sense of panic.

"He's your boyfriend girl! And if he saw you in this bikini he may faint!" She shouted in my face but not loud enough for the boys to hear, holding my shoulders and stopping me from my mini panic attack.

"Are you su-" I get cut off by Alya abruptly pushing the bikini into my arms and heading towards the door.

"I'll be waiting!" And shuts the door. I sigh and look at the bikini before changing into it and wearing my light pink sundress.

I looked at myself in the mirror and would have been lying if I assumed that I didn't look good.

"Did you finish, princess?" Adrien asked behind the door and I unlocked it after taking a hold of the big bag with my stuff in it, revealing myself to him.

"So? What do you think?" I twirled around in my dress and smiled shyly at him as his eyes trailed down my body and looked back up at my eyes.

"Beautiful." He breathed, the wind knocked out of him.

"Thank you." I looked down and felt my cheeks flush red.

"Come on you lovebirds! Get your bags and let's go!!" Nino exclaimed, with his bag over his shoulder with his stuff while Alya held her own.

"Coming!" Adrien replied and got hold of our bags with our things in them and swung them over his shoulder and offered me his hand. I giggled and took hold of it, his big hand enveloping my little one in warmth.

"Finally now let's go!" Nino took off sprinting down the stairs of Alya's apartment holding her hand making her sprint behind him. Adrien winked at me and started running behind them holding my hand tight, making sure not to let go.

We all laughed as we ran down the stairs, quickly going to the bus at the stop sign before it takes off and entered it, ready to head to the beach.

After we reached our destination, the bus stopped and we got out with other few people who were also going to the beach and went to find us a table to sit at.

"There!" Nino shouted and pointed at a table for four with an umbrella on top of it for a shade like all the other tables and we ran towards it.

We set our stuff down and Alya plopped down on a chair letting out a sigh out of exhaustion. Nino slumps down on the chair next to hers and I sit down on a chair across from there's since the table was square-shaped.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go jump in the water!" Adrien exclaims, already taking off his shirt, showing off his strong chest and stomach, now only in his swimming shorts.

"We just arrived dude, I need some minutes before going in the water." Nino huffed out, throwing his head back over the chair.

"Well, I don't feel tired. Care to join, princess?" He grinned at me and I grinned back, standing up from my chair and starting to take off my sundress. After I did, I folded it neatly and plopped it in my bag. I took off my sandals and gasped lightly when an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me to a hard chest.

"You look stunning." Adrien leaned his head down and whispered in my ear, kissing the shell of it making a rush of excitement spread through my body.

"You don't look bad yourself." I kissed his cheek and got out of his hold, sprinting on the sand, heading to the waves hitting the beach calmly.

"HEY!!" I heard Adrien yell behind me and pushed my legs to sprint faster towards the water. Just when my feet touched the water I was swept off the ground and shrieked when Adrien pulled me close to his chest and started walking deeper and deeper in the water while I thrashed around in his arms.

"ADRIEN!!!" I shrieked in laughter trying to get away from his tight grip but yelped when he let go of me.

I swam up only to realize we're in the deep area where only a few people were in.

"You didn't!!!" I shout and start splashing him with water as he cracks up and splashes me too, trying to shield his eyes with his arm.

"Can we join?" We stopped splashing and looked to where the voice came only to see Nino and Alya behind us.

"Of course!" I splashed them and we all started to splash each other after that.

After splashing each other for hours on end and having fun, Alya and Nino left to rest while Adrien and I stayed in the water but where our feet can touch the ground so we were standing.

The sun sets under the water and both of us admire it as Adrien wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close to him and looked at me, his breathing a tad bit heavy from our previous fun.

"You know," He breathed, "I always wanted to kiss you when the sun was setting like this." I turned my head to face him only to notice he was already gazing at me in awe and a glint in his eyes. I smiled softly and leaned up to place my lips upon his. He returned the same gesture and kissed back, his hand cupping my cheek with his thumb gently caressing the skin.

His lips moved slowly and gently against mine as we kissed. I wrapped my arms around his naked shoulders pulling him closer to me.

"I love you." He whispered, smiling softly at me.

"I love you too," I whispered and pushed my lips against his again.


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