Stress -Ladybug x Adrien

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I only wrote one Ladrien oneshot which was the thunderstorm one. Here's another cute Ladrien oneshot for you Ladrien shippers!

This is written from Marinette's point of view (POV). Hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: Fluffyyyyy


I plopped down on my bed, letting out a sigh fall from my lips out of exhaustion. I had just spent my whole day helping out my parents at the bakery and studying for my test in 2 days.

I needed rest but laying on my bed didn't help the extreme distress that was building up inside me from school.

"What's wrong, Marinette?" Tikki asked with concern.

"I feel stressed Tikki!" I yell. "A lot is on my shoulders and all the stress is slowly getting to me," I whine and face plant my pillow, groaning into it loudly.

"Maybe visit Adrien?" I whip my head up swiftly and stare at Tikki dumbfounded.


"You know Marinette! You always visit him as Ladybug so why not now? Maybe he will help you!" She cheered joyfully and I blinked at her a few times.

"I don't know Tikki," I said, looking away uncertain of this move. Going to Adrien's now? It's 9 pm and he might be already asleep because of his strict schedule. "What if he's asleep? I can't just go and wake him up." I frown, hugging my cat pillow to my chest.

"Don't you remember what he told you that other day?" I look at her in confusion.

"No?" I reluctantly speak.

"He said, 'If you ever need someone to talk to, come to me.'" She says and that's when I remember that he told me this only a week ago. I remember that I was a bit down since I didn't do well in my test but he tried his best to make my day. And succeeded in doing so.

"Are you sure, Tikki?" I questioned, feeling doubtful.

"It's your choice, Marinette." I looked into space, considering the decision of visiting him.

After a few seconds, I nodded and lifted my head. "I'm going. I can't handle all this stress." I stood up on my balcony, transformed, and threw my yo-yo as it encircled around a paul and I swung off, heading to the model's mansion.

As I arrived I noticed the darkness surrounding his room apparent from where I was standing on a roof from the huge windows.

I took a deep breath and jumped so I was now on his roof and hanged off the edge of the roof with my yo-yo upside down and stared into his room but was shocked to witness a sight I never thought I would ever witness in my entire life.

Adrien was standing in front of his bathroom door. Shirtless, with his sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips. I felt my face flame up and yelped when a strike of thunder hit the ground and with just that, it starts pouring heavily.

Adrien whirled around quickly to face me and soon had a small remote control in his hand and opened the window in front of me and I instantly jumped in hearing the window close and shivered from the water that hit me.

How did I get soaked this fast!?

"Let me go get you a towel!" Came Adrien's loud sweet voice but not loud enough for anyone but me to hear. He went and opened his dresser, getting a towel from there and shooting towards me, wrapping it around my body.

Now my suit was making me feel all sticky while Adrien remained shirtless.

"What are you doing here at this hour, bug- Ladybug?" He shook his head and smiled nervously at me.

"I'm fine but I visited cause I just felt... um-" I hesitated, pressing my lips tight together. How am I gonna tell him this without it sounding desperate?!

"Feeling down?" He sweetly spoke out while resting his arm around my shoulder, gently guiding me to his white couch. We sat down with his arm still around my shoulder and he was still shirtless.

"Um- you can c-call it that..." I mumble.

"Come here, don't feel shy, it's okay." He tenderly pulled me closer to his body making my head fall on his naked shoulder affecting me to blush a tonne.

"Wanna talk about it?" He murmured, carefully stroking my head like I'm a fragile newborn kitten.

"Well..." I reluctantly spoke, biting my bottom lip and frowning at the floor. "I-I'm a little stressed because of school work a-and thought of visiting you since I wanted someone to help me with my stress..." I blushed in embarrassment, looking away when I felt that this sounded stupid when I said it aloud.

There was a small pause and I thought of looking up at him but was met with a blushing Adrien.

He's so cute oh my god-

"You thought of coming to me?" He finally spoke out and looked at me bewildered. I nodded and a wide grin instantly appeared on his face as he spoke his next words, "I am honored to be in your thoughts." He spoke out in a British accent and I let out a light giggle at his small performance.

"Really?" I said sarcastically but laughed once I finished. A wide grin crawled on his lips when he noticed me laughing and hugged me tight to him. 

"You made my day, Adrien." I giggled out.

"I'm glad I did." He smiled down at me and held me up by my waist and sat me down on his lap. I felt my face go so red you would I think I was a tomato because I could feel his chest pressing against my back.


"Can you please wear a shirt!?"



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