Thunderstorms -Adrien x Ladybug

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The mere thought of Adrien being scared of thunderstorms is just melting my heart and making me want to hug the small cute bean ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ

This is also going to be written in Adrien's point of view (POV) Hope you enjoy!!

Warning: Fluff


I whimpered quietly when another huge strike of thunder hit the ground lighting my whole room for a split second. It didn't help me since I had huge windows infront of me that every single strike of thunder was lighting up my whole room like it was a horror movie with a million of jumpscares.

Plagg was asleep inside my closet while it was thunderstorming like crazy outside making me wonder how he's able to even shut his eyes.

I tried to sleep under my covers but it was too hard since the light of the thunder was even showing through my blanket.

Think happy thoughts, think happy thou-

I wince when another lighting hits and rain starts to pour hard on my windows. I was trying my hardest but still couldn't sleep. From since my mom's disappearance, I couldn't find it in me to sleep through thunderstorms since she was the only one who calmed me down and helped me sleep by staying awake with me.

I then gasp when the sound of knocks hit my ears and it wasn't knocks that were from my door, but were more like knocks on windows.

I slowly took my blanket off my face and gasped once again when the sight of Ladybug hit my eyes.

I quickly got up and got the remote that opens the window she's on and then she jumped in and I closed the window as soon as she was inside.

"Ladybug? What are you doing here??" I asked with wide eyes. I then saw that she was having trouble answering and I soon found out that she was shivering due to the cold and ran towards my dresser to get her a towel.

I led her to my bed and sat her down, wrapping her in the towel and helping her dry off.

"Th-Thank you Adrien." She whispered stuttering. I sat down beside her and rubbed her back while she was still wrapped in the towel.

"Why are you here m'lad-L-Ladybug?" I blushed, scared that she might question my stuttering. I almost said 'm'lady' how stupid am I?!

"T-Tonight was my turn to patrol the city since Chat Noir and I take turns everyday and then it soon started to rain and my home was far away from here so I-I thought of coming here for a few minutes until the thunderstorm calms down? I can go now if-"

"No, no, no, it's ok! I don't want you going out there and getting sick. I would be happy to help you." I smile genuinely at her, really not wanting her to go out and get sick.

"R-Really?" I nod and see her blush.

"You're cute when you blush." Her head spins around to face me and I notice her blush deepening making me giggle.

"T-Thanks." She mumbles and looks down. When she finished drying off I take her towel and help her dry off her hair.

"Want me to comb your hair? The salty water ruined it a bit." I suggest tilting my head. If she says yes, then she will have to let down her hair!

"S-Sure, if you don't mind." She giggles nervously and rubs her neck. Cuteness overload I think I might die.

I then go and get a hairbrush from my bathroom and come back only to stop in my tracks when I see Ladybug with her hair down and sitting on my bed. I gulp and blush hard starting to walk towards her.

She sits Indian style on my bed and I sit in the same position behind her and start to brush her hair softly.

Her hair is so soft I just can't!!!

"That feels nice A-Adrien. Thank you for doing all this for me." I blush a hundred times deeper red and nod.

"O-Of course Ladybug. It's no problem." And then the thought of the thunder comes back to my head and a strike of lighting hits the ground making me wince catching Ladybug's attention.

"Adrien? Are you scared of lighting?" She asked and I could hear the concern in her voice as I nod but then remember she can't see me and reply with a mumble, "Y-Yeah."

"Aww, here." She grips my wrist gently and takes away the hairbrush and lays it on my desk. She turns around and spreads her arms wide with a smile.

"Hug?" I nod with a blush and hug her as her arms wrap around me making me feel safe. Who knew Ladybug was going to help me with my fear of thunderstorms?


MA HEART (ಥ﹏ಥ) Hope you enjoyed guys! *sniff*

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