Secret Is Out -Marinette x Alya

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Requested by deathpack70

Make Alyanette please
Marinette revealed herself after a month of dating Alya. Adrien and Nino don't know they're dating and it goes like this. Adrien likes Marinette & Nino likes Alya but they can't have the girls because they're dating eachother. Soon, Ladybug tells Chat she told someone her identity and he asks why he can't know and she responds "Because I told my girlfriend" and the drama unfolds. You come up with ideas from the end of this.

This is written in Marinette's point of view (POV). And I'm getting right into the reveal for this one lol. There's also not much drama here so please forgive me cause I'm not that good at drama. I hope you enjoy it tho!


"I'm Ladybug!" I exclaim with tensed muscles as I had just confessed myself to my girlfriend. 

We have been dating ever since I saved her as Ladybug and came back to talk with her after the fight as Marinette and accidentally revealed that I loved her and didn't want her to get hurt. I didn't want to tell her since I thought she was straight but when she told me she liked me too I was astounded.

Ever since then, we had started dating but in secret, deciding not to tell anyone since I wasn't too keen on people knowing I'm a lesbian.

"Y-You're L-Ladybug..." She pointed at me and stared at me with awe-struck eyes and a wide mouth.

I frowned slightly, thinking she might not want to be with me anymore but then her face broke out into a large grin.

"Mari, why didn't you tell me this before?" She asked with excitement lacing her voice and continued, "My idol and love are one person! Do you know happy I am right now?!" She clutches my shoulders and shakes me back and front speedily.

"Y-You aren't disappointed?" I asked with wide eyes after she stopped shaking me.

"Of course I'm not! I love you!!" She screeched and tackled me into my bed, hugging me while I hugged her back, happy with her response.

"Love you too, Alya!" I laughed.

~Magical Time skip~

"What?!" Chat exclaimed with wide eyes. "You told me that we shouldn't reveal our identities to anyone, not even a loved one!" He furrowed his eyebrows, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at me in distrust.

"I had to cause I couldn't hold it in knowing I'm practically lying to her Chat." I crossed my arms over my chest also and glared down at the ground.

"Who is she?" He asked emphasizing the 'she'.

"It's my..." I hesitated at first but then let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and spoke out looking directly in Chat's eyes. "It's my girlfriend." His eyes widened and his arms fell limply against his sides. I noticed his ears dropping and a frown being placed on his face.

"Oh..." He spoke and I was able to hear the pain in his voice and instantly felt guilt fill my body since I knew he liked me but crushing his heart like this made me feel his pain as well.

"I'm sorry, Chat..." I frowned and stared at him with guilt lacing my voice and shown on my face.

"Its okay, bugaboo. I understand and respect your decision." He gave me a small smile but the pain in his eyes was still visible.

"But you won't tell this to anyone right?" He shook his head.

"Of course not! Don't worry, I won't lose your trust, Ladybug." He smiled a bit wider and leaped away with his staff.

I swung my yo-yo out and headed towards my house since Alya was waiting for me there and was the one to make me go confess to Chat since he deserved to know the truth instead of being led on.

Just when I landed on my balcony, I transformed and instantly felt arms wrap around my numb body.

"I can't stand it, Alya." I sniffed, "He was so broken, I couldn't handle it." I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in her neck, feeling her rub my back in comfort.

"It's okay, it's okay." She whispered.

"Thank you for being there for me, Alya."

"Always will be."

~The Next Day~

Alya and I chatted during lunch but then I noticed Nino and Adrien missing since the four of us always hang out with each other.

"Hey Alya, did you see Nino and Adrien? They didn't come to chat and eat with us and are completely ignoring us." I asked confused.

"They're right there... sitting alone?" She spoke out pointing behind me. I looked over my shoulder and indeed, Adrien and Nino were seated alone on a table chatting, Adrien with a small frown on his lips.

"What..." I mumbled.

After school ended, Alya and I headed out and quickly walked towards the two boys to see what's wrong and why they didn't speak with the both of us for the whole day.

"Boys!" Alya exclaimed and they both turned their heads to face the two girls.

"O-Oh! Hey Alya and Marinette." Nino spoke out not making eye contact.

"What's wrong with the both of you two? You were acting weird today and didn't talk with us." I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"W-Well you see uhhh..." Nino frowned embarrassingly and rubbed the back of his head.

"Well?" Alya raised her eyebrows, placing her hands on her hips.

"I have l-liked you f-for a while but caught you t-today k-k-kissing um... her..." He pointed at me and I instantly blushed to know we got caught.

"OH!" Alya exclaimed with wide eyes, turning her head to look at my blushing one.

"T-That still doesn't explain why you were acting like this with us..." Alya said, her cheeks having a small hint of red in them.

"W-Well cause I like you but now know you like her and cause Adrien... you wanna say it, buddy?" He looks at his best friend and Adrien and he nods and finally rose his head up to meet our gazes.

"It's just that someone- no, actually two girls I liked like someone else and I just figured it out a while ago..." He sighed with a frown, running his fingers through his hair.

"Oh..." I mumbled, looking at him with sorrow.

"Y-Yeah so that's why I didn't feel like talking with anyone except for Nino." Alya and I nodded staring at them both with guilt. Me because I remembered that I broke Chat's heart and Alya because she broke Nino's.

"But it's okay and we will keep your relationship a secret." Nino smiled but it looked forced.

"Wanna hang out today and we will do our best to make your day better?" I asked with a hopeful tone and begging them with my eyes.

They sighed out, considering my words. "Yeah, what do you think guys?" Alya asked with hope in her voice too.

"Sure," Adrien said, a real smile creeping up his lips.

"I'm in cause my bud is," Nino said, a real smile making it's way on his face also as he wrapped his arm around Adrien's shoulder.

"Group hug?" I ask with a wide grin, with my arms wide open in invitation.

The three laughed and ran into my arms and we hugged and laughed together. I'm really glad everything went well.


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