Prom gone wrong -Chat Noir x Marinette

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(That's not my edit! I found it on Pinterest!!)

Hey guys! This was requested by @hearts123456789 on Instagram!

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Hey guys! This was requested by @hearts123456789 on Instagram!

Marichat: mari sad because she saw adrien with kagim for prom and cryed on the roof and chat saw mari crying and tried to cheer her up then she told who broke her heart and chat elt so sad and then you can decide there if you want

Warning: None

Hope this is what you wished for! Warning!! It's going to be a sad oneshot but will end in a little fluff!


Her heart shattered at the sight in front of her. Right there, in the middle of the school's prom party, Kagami and Adrien were laughing and dancing together.

Marinette didn't believe it. She had hoped with every fiber in her body that Adrien was going to ask her to be his prom date and dance with her. But no, her heart just had to break in the worst way possible.

She didn't know what to do. Only one thing was now stuck in her head. Run. So she did, and she ran as fast as her feet can take her and went running to the staircase, her dress flying behind her. Thankfully she did not attract any people's attention.

As she reached the top of the stairs, she placed her hand on the door handle leading to the roof and prayed that the door is open. She twisted the handle and luckily, the door opened. Opening the door, a cold breeze of the wind hit her, and let her hair fly fairly behind her as she turned around and shut the door.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she sat in a corner of the roof, no one can see her in and pulled her legs up to her chest and buried her head between her legs and chest. Sobs started to leave her mouth as her chest went up and down rapidly, sobs escaping her mouth every once in a while and tears streaming down her face.

She really didn't want her day to end like this but looks like it sadly did.

"Marientte?" Her head got whipped around and her eyes widened when she noticed Chat Noir standing behind her with a concerned expression.

His eyes widened when he noticed her red nose, eyes, and tears that lay on her rosy cheeks and the ones that slid down her neck.

Now for your confusion, Adrien had noticed Marinette running to the stairs when he was with Kagami and left his date to check up on her. He was concerned for his friend and wanted to make sure she's ok.

"Princess, what's wrong?" He briskly came towards her and fell on his knees, pulling her into him as she gasped softly at his sudden move.

She hesitated at first but then gave in and cried softly on his chest as her arms were balled into fists, clutching onto his suit.

"Its ok princess, it's ok." He whispered, softly stroking her beautiful dark blue locks that were gently flowing behind her back.

After a few minutes when Marinette had calmed down a little, she then pushed back from Chat gently to look at him.

"W-what are y-you d-doing here C-Chat?" She sniffed.

"Uhh- I-I saw you s-sitting all alone in this roof and crying, so I came here to see how you were." Marinette then nodded, believing him.

"But.. can I know why you were crying?" He frowned and stared at her softly as his emerald green eyes glistened in the night.

"I saw my long t-time crush d-dancing and laughing with another g-girl." She sniffed, as new fresh tears started to roll down her cheeks.

Chat's eyes narrowed in anger. He didn't believe that a boy could actually do that to Marinette. He wanted to hurt whoever did this to his princess. That is, if he wasn't forced to be with Kagami, he would have been gone with Marinette.

"Who is that idiot who dared to break my princess's heart?" She giggled at his acting and sniffed.

"Promise you won't tell anyone?" He nodded.

"Its Adrien..." She whispered. Chat's eyes widened at that.



I'm really sorry about that stupid ending😂 I really didn't know how to end it😂

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