Shopping -Chloe x Luka

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I can't wait until these two get together but till now, I'm just going to write a cute little Oneshot of them! Hope you like it! >.<

Warning: Fluff


Chloe groaned when another thing she ordered wasn't what she really wanted. She had ordered a short yellow dress with sparkles on it but it sadly didn't come out to be what it was shown to be on the magazine.

She pouted angrily and sat down on her bed with her knees pressed up against her chest and her head buried between her legs and chest.

After a few minutes, She heard a knock on her door and stood up, still angry and annoyed and went to open the door but that's when all her annoyance and anger suddenly disappeared when she saw her boyfriend Luka.

They had been together for 6 months now and their relationship was going so great that they by now loved each other but still were scared to tell the other.

"Luka!!" She jumped on him and hugged him, clutching onto him like a koala to a tree with her arms and legs wrapped around him.

He yelped softly but stood carefully on his feet and hugged her back. He walked inside her apartment and closed her door, Chloe still attached to him and walked towards her bed. He sat down as she buried her face in his neck.

"Everything ok cutie?" He smiled softly and rubbed her head gently, as to not ruin her hair. But he knew even if he did, she won't mind. Luka had changed Chloe and in a way, she changed him as well. They got comfortable around each other from since they met.

"I ordered a beautiful dress I saw on a magazine but when it arrived, it wasn't how it was pictured in the magazine! This is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" She huffed and snuggled into him while he giggled.

"Aww, Chloe. It's ok, we can just go shopping together today and maybe find a dress like it?" He offered.

Chloe got uplifted at the mention of shopping and jumped off of Luka and went to put on some light make up as Luka laughed softly at her expression.

When she finished, she grabbed her purse and together they went to the mall.

When they reached it, Chloe started to drag Luka everywhere with her until she stopped infront of a guitar shop. She looked behind her to see Luka looking at a blue guitar behind the glass that she remembered him mentioning it to her a few times.

It was too expensive for him to buy but Chloe. Oh she was going to get it for him. She does love him and wants him to be happy, so she quickly went inside the store and picked out the blue guitar. She bought it and the guitar was put into a bag and given to her.

She then skipped out of the shop to see Luka looking around him, probably looking for her.

"Luka!" She sing-songed and skipped towards him holding out the bag in her hand.

He stared confusedly at her and at the plastic bag she was holding and that's when he noticed that a head of something he recognises was popping out of the bag.

"Chloe, what's that?" He asked.

"It's for you! But let's go open it in my hotel room!" The two then went towards the hotel, Luka getting impatient and wanting to know what's inside that plastic bag.

When they reached her small home they went in and closed the door behind them and walked towards Chloe's bed.

"Here you go!" She gave him the bag with an excited smile.

He took the bag and gasped when he opened it wide. He pulled out the blue guitar and noticed that it was the one he always wanted and vented out about.

"You didn't..." He mumbled as he stared in wonder at the guitar.

"Do you... like it?" She asked getting a bit nervous.

"Of course I do! I love you!!" He laid the guitar down and hugged her. Her eyes widened when he said the words.

"I-I love you too." She hugged him tightly in her embrace as they just embraced each other. They really were happy that they found each other. And nothing was going to pull them apart.


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