Dark Cupid -Kim x Reader

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Requested by Infinity-Milkshake

Would you be willing to write me an x reader oneshot? You probably don't get many requests for this, but can you write a Kim x reader oneshot?General idea:Kim and the reader have always been very competitive towards each other, but when Kim gets rejected by Chloe and turns into Dark Cupid the reader is able to transform him back and becomes very protective over him as more than a friend.

This is written from your point of view (POV). I hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: Slight cursing here and there, angst if you squint, then your fluffy fluff


"Last to reach the park is a punk!" Kim yells and sprints ahead of you without warning.

"Hey! That's cheating you idiot!!" You holler and run after him. Of course, you end up being the last one and you hunch down with your hands on your knees as you take in fast breaths, attempting to regain your energy.

"You're a punk!" Kim laughed. You huffed in frustration, standing upright again after regaining your breath. You crossed your arms over your chest and glared at him. Not that you hated him, you both have been like that towards each other since you guys were little. Always so competitive and up for challenges.

"Yeah, you're an idiot." You deadpanned but couldn't stop the grin that crawled its way on your lips. "Anyway, why are we here? Do races? Talk?"

"Actually..." He smiled and got something out of his pocket. A small red box. Your eyes widened at it.

"K-Kim wha-" You felt your cheeks flush red.

"Yeah uh, I'm giving this to Chloe since I like her so much!" Your heart dropped. You were pretty speechless after what came out of his mouth. I'm such an idiot. Of course, these weren't for me.

"So you know how I told you a lot of times that I like her and was going to confess to her soon?" He asked, grinning widely. His grin was too wide that you were 100% percent sure he didn't think about you that way twice. Not even once if you're being honest with yourself.

"Y-Yeah!" Ugh, damn it, I stuttered! You thought. 

"Well, I'm doing it today!" He exclaimed, and you faked a grin.

"That's great! You're finally gonna man up!" You lightly bumped your shoulder with his and he chuckled.

"Yeah. Well, wish me luck!" He gave you his fist and you looked down and you guys did the fistbump moves that you made and he was off.

You two have a pretty strong bond. You even started crushing on the guy a year ago and now you're completely in love. Yes, you are disappointed that he straight up told you he loved another girl but you couldn't make him like you. He could like whoever he wants and you're okay with that. If he's happy then you are too. Well... not that much.

~Magical Time Skip~

You weren't with him to know what happened or what took place and he didn't text you which was weird since he always texted you after doing something crazy or stupid or sometimes anything.

You sighed, Maybe he's out with Chloe. You thought.



Your head turned to notice the civilians running away in fear from a flying villain with wings. He looked familiar to you but you couldn't put your finger on who it might be.

"Where are you, Chloe?!?" That voice. You recognized it right when you heard it.

"Kim?" Your eyes widened and that's when you noticed the pendant he was supposed to give to Chloe was on him. It's where the akuma must be located.

"Kim!!" You exclaimed. His focus averted from hitting civilians with arrows to you standing amidst all the people scrambling away in fear.

"I'm not Kim anymore! I'm Dark Cupid!" He aimed an arrow your way but with your quick reflexes, you dodged it and started running forwards.

What am I doing, what am I doing!??

"Hey Dark Cupid, fight someone your own size!!" You looked up to find Chat Noir and Ladybug take a stance in front of Dark Cupid.

They started fighting and you followed them, ending up in Luxor Obelisk where Ladybug was hiding behind a pillar as Chat Noir was shown standing beside Kim.

What the- how didn't I see Chat Noir get hit... Okay, this is just going to make it harder but I will have to save him! You thought.

Ladybug used her lucky charm, and you saw her throw the lollipop looking thing towards Kim making him unable to throw any arrows, he ordered Chat Noir to charge at Ladybug and while Chat Noir did that, Kim landed on the ground to use the water from the fountain so he wouldn't be sticky anymore. You noticed Ladybug kiss Chat Noir and he turned back to normal and you took your chance and ran at Kim.

"Kim!!" He turned around and before he could throw an arrow at you, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. While he was distracted, you snatched the pendant from him and threw it to Ladybug. She caught it, dropping it on the ground and smashing it.

"NO!" Kim exclaimed. Ladybug then caught the akuma and purified it, Dark Cupid then went away, getting replaced by Kim looking around confused. "What happened?" You look towards Ladybug who was fist-bumping Char Noir and she moved towards you.

"Hey, thanks for the help. You must really care about him to have done that stunt huh?" She winked. You felt your face heat up and looked down.

"Y-Yeah. But I saw you Ladybug." You smirked at her and her face turned into a tomato. "It wasn't like that!"

"What stunt? Y/n what happened?" Kim looked between you and Ladybug, so did Chat Noir. You both giggled at their expressions and you spoke up. "It's a secret between me and Ladybug."

You then helped Kim up and you thanked Ladybug and Chat noir and walked away.

"(Y/n) for real, what happened? Did I hurt you?" He seemed concerned and pulled you by your arms to check if you were hurt. It wasn't helping you since it was making the butterflies in your stomach go wild at how close you were to him.

"No, no you didn't hurt me, Kim! It's okay." You giggled. He pulled you into a hug, letting out a big sigh. "Oh thank god, I was worried." You hugged him back, touching your lips with the tips of your fingers, the feeling of his lips on yours when you kissed him still there. You were hoping you will be able to kiss him like that and mean it one day but for now, you relaxed into his embrace.


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