Motorcycle -Luka x Kagami

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Requested by @_.nicola_._gabriela._ on Instagram!

Could you make a oneshoot about Luka and Kagami? She's sad cuz Adrien rejected her and Luka who was taking a walk on his new motorcycle saw her and decided to talk with her

So I don't really ship the two but I tried my best! Hope it is what you wished for!

Warnings: A little sad but ends in a fluff


It was a beautiful Friday night for the people of Paris. Birds were flying around, kids playing in play grounds, families having picnics, and couples walking around hand in hand.

But not for Kagami it wasn't. You see, she had just confessed to her crush Adrien just a few minutes ago and was leaning in to kiss him until he freaked out and rejected her.

She understood really and masked her hurt behind a strict face but was really heartbroken and alone from the inside.

She really thought he liked her but was proven wrong. She was now sitting in a bench beside the park where joyful laughter echoed from and just wanted to leave but didn't find it in herself to do so. She thought this as a punishment for her. Hearing and seeing all the optimistic people around, knowing she might never be able to feel it. Feel happy.

I deserve this. No one will ever even see me as a friend. Is what she thought to herself the whole time.

The sound of a motorcycle's engine brought her to her senses and she looked up, her eyes landing on a boy who had just parked his motorcycle on the side of the road where most cars were.

She saw how he took off his helmet and shook his head, his fluffy hair moving about in the wind as her eyes landed on his face. He was handsome no doubt. With those beautiful crystal blue eyes, his black and blue hair, his pink lips.

Perfection... more perfect than I will ever be...

She frowned slightly and hanged her head low. That's when his eyes landed on her. He instantly started thinking about how nice she looked and how cute her freckles were.

I bet her voice is melodic. He thought, starting to approach her with slow and calm steps as to not scare her with his sudden appearance.

"Hey," He uttered nicely to her causing her head to whip up to face him and Kagami instantly felt heat crawling its way up her neck.

"H-Hey..." She trailed off, looking back down, wishing he would go away and not notice her sadness.

"I saw you sitting all alone and decided to join you. I remember seeing you with my friend Marinette once. You two are friends?" He tilted his head to face her and a small smile appeared on Kagami's face when she remembered her friend.

"You can call it that." She shrugged.

Luka's lips turned up and into a smile when he witnessed her smile.

Beautiful. He thought.

"Oh! I'm Luka by the way." He reached out his hand to her and she raised hers, "Kagami." She mumbled, shaking his hand firmly.

"Kagami..." He whispered, letting it gently spill out of his lips, "Such a beautiful name." Kagami felt the blush creep up her face but quickly averted her gaze from the tall boy sitting beside her.

"Thank you..." She mumbled. She oddly felt comfortable in the blue haired boy's presence and was grateful that she wasn't left alone after her heart shattering rejection.

"I just saw you on your motorcycle coming  here. Its cool." She spoke, giving him a sideways smile.

"I see you love motorcycles?" He asked with a small smirk. She nodded and he added, "Well its my new one and I just took it on a ride." He shrugged.

Kagami gulped unknowingly, "Is it ok if you take me on a ride on it? I never rode a motorcycle and wanted to for a while now."

He smiled and nodded his head, standing up from his place on the bench and lent Kagami a hand and she reluctantly took it. He helped her up and off the bench, the both of them starting to saunter towards Luka's brand new motorcycle which glowed slightly from the ray of the setting sun hitting it ever so slightly.

He swung his legs around the front seat and handed Kagami a spare helmet he had and then put their helmets on, Kagami getting on behind Luka and sitting behind him.

Luka placed the key in the key-whole of his motorcycle and revved up the engine warming it up before exclaiming out to Kagami, "Hold on to my waist!" She did so, blushing slightly when her hand wrapped around his defined chest and abdomen.

"Is it ok if I go fast?" He asked sincerely and she nodded but then spoke when she noticed he couldn't see her, "Yeah, its fine."

He nodded and got off the side of the road and went zigzagging through the cars in a light speed not wanting to break any rules.

At that moment, Kagami's lips curled up into a wide smile as the wind flew past her, lightly blowing her hair.

They laughed happily when they passed a small hill on the road which made them go up and down quickly like it was a ride. Kagami didn't think her day would end up like this but it looks like it did. And she was glad that she was wrong. Maybe after all, she isn't going to be alone.

With Luka by her side, her smile would always be on her freckled face.


Ok so I might like the ship A BIT now after writing it...

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