Bad Luck -Chat Noir x Ladybug

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I just saw this on Pinterest and thought it was just so cute and I had to write it!!

This is written in the third person's point of view (POV). I hope you enjoy it!!

Warnings: Angst but then fluff


Chat sighed out with his head hung low and resting on his hands. Today, a lot of people were hit by the villain and turned into icecubes because he wasn't paying attention and wasn't able to protect them since he was too busy flirting with his lady.

They all kept tweeting and saying how Chat Noir was bad luck and was a terrible superhero on the internet and he was too horrified to even make a sound when he saw that Alya thought the same on her blog.

"Who agrees with me guys? I mean come on, Chat Noir was paying the citizens no mind as they got hit by the villain and I have it all on tape. Our black cat hero is bad luck."  This was what she announced on her blog, dragging Adrien down and causing Plagg to feel bad for his owner.

"I am bad luck aren't I?" He mumbled sadly, looking down at his city had most of its citizens hate and bully him.

"Kitty you aren't bad luck." His head whirled around only to face his lady in the red and black dotted suit.

He shook his head, his frown deepening as he muttered, "Yes, I am. Don't try to change my mind. Everyone now hates me..." He leaned his head down to drown it in his bent up knees, his cat ears slumping on top of his head as tears slowly welled up in his eyes.

"I'm such an idiot. My duty was to protect my city but I f-failed in it and disappointed everyone..." His voice broke in the middle of his sentence and a tear escaped his eye, dropping down on the ground under him.

"Hey, don't say that. They don't know what they're saying. Chat Noir isn't bad luck and never will." Chat was still unconvinced and shook his head again.

He felt her sit beside him and dangle her legs over the roof they were sitting at, and turned his head slightly to the side, even if his face wasn't visible, he still did it.

"Chat, look at me," He shook his head and shifted away from her.

"Look, everyone may think that but they don't know that without you, we wouldn't have saved Paris. Chat Noir, my kitty, is not bad luck. Let them say whatever they want, you don't listen to them. Do they know why you were picked to be a superhero?" He shook his head.

"No, they don't..." he mumbled.

"Exactly! They don't. You were picked because Master Fu saw something in you that the others didn't. And so did I. So don't bring yourself down and believe the people's words." She spoke softly and more tears proceeded to fall from the blonde's eyes.

"Come here," She gently pulled him into her and embraced him. Chat stiffened but gave in and huddled into her embrace as more tears slipped from his eyes. Quiet sobs leaving his mouth every few seconds.

"Its ok, kitty, it's ok." She whispered lovingly, her hands gently playing with his fluffy blonde locks.

~The Next Morning~

Marinette entered the school the next day. Her best friend, Alya, babbling about yesterday's battle until she caught this come out of her mouth, "And did you see how Chat Noir wasn't saving the people? He was literally in another world and wasn't even doing anything useful and Ladybug did all the wor-"

"Alya, don't speak like that about our superhero! Yes, he may have been distracted a little but without him, Ladybug wouldn't have won!" Alya gazed dumbfounded at her friend.

"Do you know what I witnessed yesterday? Hmm?" She stared at Alya with a frown and Alya shook her head.

"I saw Chat Noir crying and Ladybug was comforting him! They were close enough so I heard what they were speaking about and I heard Chat blaming himself!! Because of everyone calling him bad luck!"

A small crowd surrounded the two, now everyone who was wrong to Chat was feeling guilty for what they have called him.

"I thought you love our superheroes Alya, not love one and hate and blame the other for things they didn't do."

Alya hung her head low in guilt while there stood a blonde model, bewildered and thankful for Marinette. Marinette walked away, knowing that Alya will come around and apologize on her blog later today.

"Thank you, Marinette," Adrien whispered and Marinette turned around, looking for who said that. Adrien just smiled gratefully at her and strolled away.

I could have sworn that was Chat Noir...


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