Falling -Chat Noir x Ladybug

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Requested by @nat.long01 on Instagram!

I would love to see ladybug finally fall for chat noir

This is written in Marinette's point of view (POV). This isn't exactly what you wished for I'm really sorry but I hope it's ok! Enjoy!

Warnings: Fluffy like a puppy, and a bit sad...


"M'lady, look out!" I gasp when I feel Chat instantly push me away from a hit of the villain and we roll on the ground stopping with Chat being on top of me as he grinned like a fool.

I only gave him a face and quickly rolled us away from another hit, getting untangled from each other in the process and standing back up to fight.

"Chat behind you!" I throw my yo-yo towards him and it directly encircled Chat making me able to pull him before the villain had hit him.

"WAA!!" He exclaimed and then fell on his butt in front of me as I retracted the yo-yo back to me.

"Oh, thanks bugaboo." He smiles one of his charming smiles- Wait, charming!? What the heck author?!

Deal with it!


"Give me your miraculous or face my fury!!"

"Furry?" Chat hollered causing me to facepalm as we dodged another hit from the villain.

"NO! FURY!!" We yelp and dodge the biggest hit so far. Well, Chat did but not me sadly and I got hit and fell on the ground.

The villain's power is to make people fall for each other and if hit the first person they see after getting hit will be the one they fall for. And that person I see after opening my eyes so happens to be the black kitty cat called Chat Noir.

"M'lady, are you ok??" Concern was lacing his voice but because of the hit, I wasn't able to control what comes out of my mouth or what I do.

"I love you, my kitty!!" I cried, my arms flying out to circle his neck as I hugged him close to me.

No, no, no, no, NO!!!

"W-Wha- you got hit! Oh no... think Chat, thinkkk..." He trailed off, as I still held him tightly in my embrace.

I stayed clutched on to his arm like how Chloe clutches on to Adrien when she sees him. Yeah, my condition was that bad. Why? Cause I'm now turned to Chloe!!!

"You can try and run away from me Ladybug but you can't hide forever!!" The villain cried out and Chat seemed to have an idea pop into his head cause next thing I know, he was holding me up bridal style heading towards the Eiffel Tower as I snuggled into him like a love struck puppy.

"We're here, m'lady." I feel him set me down on the ground but I whine and clutch on to him again.

"Nooo, you're too soft." I mewled, hugging him again and sinking my face into his neck.

"Look, I'll give you a kiss if you help me save Paris, ok?" I perked up at the idea while I was screaming in my mind to say no but I weirdly felt butterflies but ignored them.

"Ok!!" A smile crawls its way to his lips and he nods.

"Ok, now you need to throw that yo-yo around your waist into the air and shout 'Lucky Charm'. Got it?" I nod and do as said.

~Magical Timeskip~

Chat instructed me on what to do and we defeated the villain. I skipped towards him, with a bright smile on my face of course not forgetting his promise.

"My kiss?" Chat's smile falls into a sad one and I stare at him with confusion.


Oh shut up he won't.


*shrugs* *jumps back into the 4th wall*

"We can't. I'm sorry m'lady, I know you want it but the real Ladybug wouldn't want this..." I frown deeply and look down, we did defeat the villain but I was still feeling love towards Chat since I didn't throw my lucky charm yet to fix everything.

"But..." I hang my head low with tears welling up in my eyes.

"Hey, hey, don't cry." He was instantly in front of me, holding my shoulders making me look up at him.

"Look, maybe in the future you will finally fall for my silly charms and for real. And if you do, you could kiss me anytime you want. For now, you have to fix everything. I can't promise you that we will kiss in the future but I can still hope." I nod sadly to him.

"I understand." I then surprise him by hugging him tight. He hesitates but hugs back.

We pull away after a few seconds and I nod, "I love you."

"Love you too..." He smiles sadly and I throw the lucky charm in the air screaming out, "Miraculous Ladybuuuug!!!"

Everything's gets fixed and I take a last glance at Chat when the miraculous Ladybugs surround me and I go back to my own mind.

"Huh, what happened? Wha-" I shake my head rapidly, looking around me in confusion.

"We defeated the villain together m'lady." Chat speaks and I turn to him with a confused glance but shake my head.

"Oh o-" And then, my earrings ring, signaling that I only have a few minutes until I de-transform.

"I gotta go now kitty. Later!" I leap away and hear a low, "Later bugaboo."

What happened when I got hit?


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