Cookies -Adrien x Marinette

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Requested by @apostoliakapa on Instagram!

A very cute adrienette moment with a romantic kiss at the end💓

This is going to be written from Marinette's point of view (POV) Hope this is what you wished for!

Warnings: Fluffff


"S-See you A-Adrien!" I bid Adrien goodbye and began to saunter towards my bakery-home with an exciting step in my stride.

Today I just learned that Adrien didn't ever try cookies in his life so Alya advised me to ask him to come over to my home so I could have a chance with him and also have fun making cookies together and I didn't believe myself when I approached him to ask him on coming over.

I was fearful that he might reject me but upon hearing cookies he surprisingly jumped at the chance. My heart swooned at his excitement and I couldn't wait until he came over so we would do the cookies and hopefully not destroy the kitchen.

I greeted my parents when I entered the bakery and kissed their cheek.

"Hey ma, Adrien is coming over later today cause we will be making cookies since he never tasted them. That's ok, right?" I notice their lips curling up into big bright smiles.

"Of course honey!" My mom exclaims and hugs me.

"It's no problem at all, sweetheart!" My dad smiles and hugs me too.

"Thank you!!" I exclaim and sprint up the stairs, skipping two steps at a time.

"Oh my God Tikki I'm so excited!!" I squeak and plop down on my bed, a sigh escaping my lips with a huge smile plastered on my face.

"I know you are, Marinette." Tikki giggles, watching how I went on fangirling about how Adrien and I will have a great time together.

~Magical Timeskip~

A knock was heard from downstairs and I took a deep breath, readying myself and trying my best on staying cool and not freak out. Don't freak out, Marinette. It's ok, its o-

"Hey, Marinette!" I jump out of pure fear, noticing Tikki quickly hide. I hastily whirl around and feel my cheeks heat up rapidly when I spotted Adrien standing there with a cute smile plastered on his pink lips.

"H-Hey, Adrien!!!" I smile, feeling utterly nervous to even speak a word but surprisingly do and gulp unknowingly before doing so, "S-So wanna d-do the cookies- I-I mean bake them?!" He giggles and I internally awed at his cuteness.


"Yeah, if you don't mind of course." He rubs the back of his neck nervously and I try not to 'aw' out loud and embarrass myself.

"Sure then! Let's get to baking!!" I then lead him to our kitchen downstairs to start baking the cookies.

~A few minutes later~

Sooo, it wasn't a good idea to bake cookies since the kitchen was now a crazy mess. At least we did bake the cookies and they're now in the oven...

"I need to clean the kitchen before my parents come and see this! They will surely get mad at me if they came and saw this!" I exclaim, trying to move hurriedly around the kitchen to clean it up. There was flour all around the counters and floor and even a few broken eggs scattered all around the counter as well.

"It's ok, Marinette! We can clean it up together. You shouldn't clean all this by yourself." Adrien speaks up genuinely and grips my shoulders and spins me around to face him, resulting in my cheeks to blush a crimson red.

"B-But..." I trailed off trying to think of a way to make him sit down while I clean up the kitchen.

"No buts. I'll help you clean up the kitchen. End of discussion, got it?" He smiles down at me and I sigh giving into him.

After we're finished with cleaning the kitchen, I go to check on the cookies and notice that they're ready to be taken out of the oven. I put on the kitchen gloves and open up the oven taking out the cookies and laying them down on the counter. I put the gloves back in their place and close the oven.

"They smell delicious!" Adrien exclaims and I notice a glint in his eyes and smile, knowing that I caused it.

"They a-are delicious!" I smile brightly at him. We wait until the cookies cool off and I pick up a cookie and take a bite and almost sigh at how good it tasted.

"Here, take a bite!" I hand Adrien a cookie and he takes a bite and a smile quickly crawls its way up to his lips.

"It's so good!!" I giggle and rub the back of my head with a shy smile on my lips.

"Oh look, there's a bit of the cookie on the side of your lips." He points to my face and I go to brush it off but don't feel anything.

"Here, let me help," And then a gasp leaves my lips the moment his lips crash into mine.


After my shock had gone, I kissed back and felt his arm wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him and his other hand lifts to cup my cheek.

"Aww!" I quickly break the kiss and whirl my head around only to face my parents standing there with smiles on their faces and a blush quickly made its way onto my face.

"M-MOM, DAD!!!!"


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