Little Ladybug -Chat Noir x Ladybug

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I saw a fanart of Ladybug being little and couldn't help myself.

This is written from Chat Noir's point of view (POV). Hope you enjoy it!

Warnings: Only fluff


"Oh no..." I deadpanned, facepalming.

Ladybug and I were facing a villain who turns everyone into small little children and so happened to strike Ladybug turning her into a little five-year-old.

"Huh, mama!!" She cried and I gasped when the villain started heading towards her.

I jumped and kicked him, making him collide with a building.

"Mama, papa!" Ladybug cried and I was instantly by her side, held her up, sat her on my hips, leaping away on my staff while she clutched onto me tightly.

I hid in an alleyway where I placed Ladybug down but she wouldn't let go of me and clutched onto me harder when I tried to place her on the ground and continued to fight me.

"OW!!!" I yelped when she pulled hard on my hair and she started cackling at my pain.

"HAHAHAHA!!" She laughed throwing her head but accidentally letting go of me and dropping to the ground, landing on her butt.

It was my time to crack up as she whined and rubbed her butt.

"HA! KARMA!" I exclaimed, starting to wheeze from lack of air from all my crazed laughter.

She scowled, crossing her tiny arms over her chest and pouting. She honestly looked like a little kid whose parents refused to give them candy which only made me laugh harder.

"Stop ittt." She whined, stomping her feet on the ground out of irritation.

I calmed down after a while and my breathing went back to normal. I wiped a tear from my eye and sighed out in relief that I can breathe again. I smiled but my smile quickly faded once I noticed a tear sliding down her cheek. I smiled softly and leaned down on my knees to reach her height.

"Hey don't cry." I cooed, gently wiping away the tear on her cheek with my thumb. She sniffed and hung her head low, her frown deepening.

"Want me to pick you up again?" I smiled and her head shot up as her lips turned up into a wide grin. She raised her arms signaling me to pick her up and I shook my head with a low chuckle. I stood up and bent down to pick her up and sat her on my lap.

"Kitty!" She squealed in excitement, her hands starting to play with my cat ears and pulling on them making me wince.

"Ow, ow, gently." She obeyed and played with them gently. I propped her up on my hip and started thinking of how we could defeat the villain.

"Look, can you help your kitty defeat a bad guy?" I asked and she instantly nodded her head eagerly.

"Yes, yes, yes!!" She jumped in my hold and I tightened my grip on her so she wouldn't fall.

"Ok then. I'll need to put you down for this." She nodded and I placed her down on the ground.

"Now, you see that yo-yo around your waist?" She glanced down at her yo-yo and took out the yo-yo. She looked at it weirdly and flipped it making it hit me in the chin.

"Oops! Sorry, kitty." She giggled, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head.

"It's okay," I assured, my hand rubbing my chin. "Anyways, you should just exclaim out 'Lucky Charm'! Got it?" She nodded and held the yo-yo.

"Lucky charm!!!" She screamed out. An item appeared and fell on her head.

I snorted and she scowled at me. She took the item from the ground, only to notice that it was a picture of a kid crying. She stared weirdly at it and tilted her head to the side.

"Uh, what should I do with this?" She asked me, puzzled. I shrugged, "I dunno. You just have to look around to know what to do with it or come up with a plan. Think hard, bugaboo."

I picked her up and leaped away to find the villain while little Ladybug tried to think of how to use her lucky charm.

"You turn into a kid, you too! You too!!" The villain laughed loudly, turning people into little kids.

I set Ladybug down on a hidden roof where she could see what's happening but where the villain can't spot her.

"Stay here and think okay?" She nodded and I jumped to face the villain.

"Hey kiddo, want to change me into a kitten? I would look cute!!" I exclaimed. Yeah, I forgot to mention the villain was a little kid but I smiled at the fact I would look cute as a kid.

Ladybug's POV

As the kitty started to fight the bad guy, I inspected the picture of the child in confusion. I tried my hardest to figure out what to do but never got anything.

And then I got an idea that didn't need the picture. I set it down on the roof I was on and stood up on the edge of the roof.

"HEY!!! I'M HERE!!" I exclaimed to the bad guy and he turned his head around after knocking kitty into a car and smirked.

"Give me your miraculous Ladybug!" He sang, now floating in front of me.

I took a deep breath in... and started to cry loudly. Wailing out and sobbing as tears slid down my cheeks. The villain froze and frowned floating to me and trying to calm me down.

"Hey don't cry! I'm turning everyone to children so they could be happy!" He whined with a frown and that's when I pointed to kitty to take the villain's akuma since it was a beanie atop his head and I wasn't able to reach it.

Kitty smirked and went up in his staff casually as it pulled him up also checking his nails. Right when he was behind the villain, he took the beanie off and tore it in half.

A dark butterfly came out of it and kitty nodded to me to catch it with my yo-yo so I took it out and opened it launching it towards the butterfly. It caught it and came back towards me.

"NO!" The villain exclaimed but then transformed back into himself and fell but kitty was quick to catch him on time. He came back up to me after setting the kid down and stood on the roof.

"Come on, open your yo-yo, and free the butterfly." He smiled. "Are you sure? What if it turns someone else into an evil person?" I asked with worry.

He giggled, "It won't. Let it out and see." I nodded and opened my yo-yo.

"Wow!" I stared in awe as a white butterfly came out of the yo-yo and flew into the air.

"Told ya so." I giggle.

"Now take your lucky charm and throw it in the air so everything goes back to normal." I frowned.

"But I won't see you again." I pouted and looked down at the picture I was now holding in my hands.

"Hey, it's okay." He kneeled to my height and assured me, his hands on my shoulder. He kissed my forehead. "Do it. We may see each other again." He shrugged, "You never know."

I nodded and let out a breath. "Okay." I smile at him. I throw my arms around him in a hug for a few seconds and felt him hug back. I broke the hug and threw the lucky charm in the air.

"Miraculous ladybuuug!!" I screamed out and miraculous ladybugs zipped through the city and came to me, turning me back to normal.

"Welcome back, M'lady." Chat grinned. His ring beeped. "Well, I gotta go." He was about to go but I stopped him.

"Wait, what happened when I was a kid?" I asked puzzled.

"You don't wanna know." He laughed and sprinted away.



The way to defeat the akuma was stupid I know but bear with me-😭🤚🏻 And I have ONE day left until my holiday starts! RREEEEE-

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